Another Victim

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You waited hours for her to show up, but she never did, you didn't think anything of it, actually kinda glad she didn't show up. You had a peaceful nights sleep till morning, Saturday morning, thank god its the weekend. You lazily got up, you walked to the kitchen and cooked your favorite breakfast. Your Mom and Dad were both already gone, you turned on the TV and the news, a disturbing news report read
                                                                       -Breaking News-
Another victim of a crazed axe murderer on the loose it appears, Liza Garret was found dead in her bedroom last night, brutally hacked at with an axe. It seems some pieces of flesh were purposely hacked away and taken, like the many other victims. We hope to catch this monster soon, just stay safe everyone.

You stared at the TV, frozen with disbelief, that's why she never showed, she was murdered! Your head spun round and round trying to grasp the situation, quickly you turned off the TV getting some water, trying desperately to calm your nerves. ''Killed... Chopped up by some crazy person....'' You said, a sick feeling stirring inside you now, the cannibalistic detail like 'some flesh was stolen' almost made you want to barf, but you held it together looking back at the now off TV. ''I think... I need to just watch something else...'' You mumbled stumbling over to the couch, you sat down, hesitating to turn it on after seeing the horrifying news report. But you did, turning to your favorite channel. The uneasiness faded away until you once again had a chill run down your spine, feeling as if you were being watched, you turned looking at the window, nothing. ''Damn paranoia...'' You said looking back at the TV, trying hard to get your mind of it but the feeling of being watched, still there, and it just stuck there the entire day as you tried to do your favorite daily activity's. Even visiting your two best friends Tucker and Alec didn't calm you down, especially since all Tucker wanted to talk about was the surprising murder of, Liza. Alec seeing you uneasiness and dislike of the subject tried to stop him from talking about it anymore though. ''This is a bad subject, Tucker. Lets talk about something else less depressing, huh.'' You shook your head, looking around still, something is watching you, but what. Why can't you find who or what it is. ''I'm going home.'' You said already heading back towards your house. ''You sure?'' Alec asked. ''Yeah....'' Was your unsure and uneasy response. ''Alright..'' ''Uh... Have fun!'' Alec then Tucker spoke as you were quickly walking away, you picked up the pace, wanting to get away from the feeling of being watched badly, but no matter how fast you went or where you went, it was there.

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