Psycho With Teddy Bears

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You never got to meet the rest that day. Grimm only showed you upstairs to the room you would be staying in. The walls were painted yellow and the bed had white sheet and a couple of yellow fuzzy blanket. ''If you need anything else, let me know.'' She said in an emotionless tone, leaving you alone in the fair size room, the window boarded up, probably to keep you locked away from the outside world. You seemed to be in jail, you spent most of the time tossing and turning in bed till falling into a still fitful sleep.
The next morning you woke up, looking around, you sighed. It wasn't a nightmare after all, you were imprisoned by an insane axe murderer and people who worked for a teleporting monster known as Slenderman. You shook your head stretching, may as well make the most of it. As soon as you stretched you heard a soft voice speak to you from behind, you jumped spinning around, on the other side of your bed there stood a little girl. She had locks of light brown hair, light tan skin and sweet hazel eyes glinting in the dimly lit room. She also was wearing a simple little yellow dress with white lacy flower print, she looked to be no older than 10, what was she doing in a place like this? Did they also kidnap this poor child? You frowned. ''Hey, are you okay?'' You said gently, reaching a hand out to her. She smiled and nodded a little. ''Yeah... Who are you, mister?'' You also smiled. ''Y/N, Who are you?'' She looked at the boarded up window then back at you, silently. ''Its okay, you can tell me.'' She looked at you, hesitating. ''Only if you help me find my mommy...'' Your heart dropped at the girls pitiful look and those sweet desperate words. ''I will do everything I can...'' Was your response, she then smiled again, but there was something... Off about it. ''Thank you mister, Y/N! I'm The Girl In The Woods'' You looked at her strangely, trying to figure it out. ''Uh... I meant your real name...'' You said kinda thrown off by this. She responded, giggling. ''That's my proxy name mister, Y/N'' Your eyes widened, unable to speak as her body fell to the floor, now looking rotted and torn apart, the smell of death and human flesh filled the air, you gagged and choked starting to throw up mostly fluids, then tried to pull it together. The little girls laughter echoed, suddenly Grimm busted through the door, grabbing and pulling you to her, your body seemed to be weak and limp as you stumbled into her. ''LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!'' She shouted, there stood a ghost girl, blood dripping from the corners of her mouth and blood tears running down her face. ''Aw... No fun'' She was the same girl you were speaking to before who is now a corpse on the floor, you were too confused and frightened to say anything more. ''I took him in and promised to protect him! So back off, Stella!'' Grimm spoke harshly to the girl but you didn't seem to mind at the moment. ''Fine, but you better keep an eye on him! He's like a mouse in a room full of ferocious hungry cats.'' Then the ghost and body disappeared, Grimm lifted you up to where your eyes were locked with hers. ''Are you okay?'' You only continued to dry heave as she held onto you, you couldn't seem to control your body and stop. She lifted you up and drug your limp and spasming body to her room, you couldn't even see what it looked like, you were too busy being sick. She laid you down on a large bed and put a wet and cool rag on your head, you started to calm down and ease off. ''Thanks...'' You said looking at her. ''Just rest, I'll be back with some soup, crackers and water soon enough.'' You nodded and obeyed her, closing your eyes in an attempt to drift off into dream land. It wasn't without fail as everything went silent, escaping the world.
A few hours later you woke up to a gentle hand on your shoulder, you looked up, eyes locking with Grimms, she smiled down at you. ''Glad you got some rest but you really should eat and drink now.'' You nodded as she set soup, crackers and a glass of water on the bedside table. You sat up starting to eat the vegetable soup, it was really good, you continued to eat and drink, Grimm sat in a chair at the corner of the room, reading a book, you seemed to focus on her. What is she reading? You mentally asked yourself as she slowly took her time with each page, seeming to be trying to save some information in her head. You shrugged it off munching on more crackers. After a few minutes Grimm seemed to have finished studying what she needed too, putting a bookmark in the book and she stood stretching. ''Will you be okay alone here a couple hours?'' She looked at you a bit concerned, you didn't want to seem to dependant yet didn't really want to be left alone with a bunch of creatures and psychopaths. ''Don't worry, I'll have Silent keep check on you.'' She said noticing your slight uneasiness. ''Silent?'' You questioned. ''Silent Death, he's a good friend of mine, the quiet type and probably won't say anything at all to you, but you'll be fine under his watch. He has a good heart.'' She smiled happily, you nodded so she left with that. Well, you should be fine since this Silent Death guy is looking out for you... Maybe. You looked around Grimms room now, it was fucking huge compared to your room, made sense though since she was an important killer here and you were well... Prey. There was stuffed animals scattered everywhere in the room, you chuckled softly enjoying the fact a psychopath had a room cluttered with plushies. The walls were painted blue, the bed was pink and red with a few heart shaped pillows and teddy bears on it. May as well rest for now, you thought laying back down.

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