Locked Away

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You blacked out after the painful blow, out cold for hours, when you came too, you were in a medical room it seemed like, The air was damp and chilly, the walls were painted pink with dark red flowers, knives, scissors, thread, scalpels and other medical supplies for surgery was laid out on a stone counter, you went to sit up but suddenly a hand grabbed your left arm stopping you. You turned, eyes now locked with a woman, she had pink eyes, pink hair pulled into a neat bun, pale skin, she also was wearing a white and red nurses dress and cap with red high heels. ''Now now, whats the hurry? You've just recovered from a bad injury.'' She chuckled darkly, enjoying the slight look of pain in your eyes. ''Who are you?...'' You asked still confused. ''The Psycho Nurse.'' She replied, she laughed seeing your eyes widen with fear. ''Psycho... Nurse...'' You repeated shaking slightly. ''Aw, that's cute. You have heard of haven't you? Well, I patched you up really well. Looks like you'll be staying awhile.'' She let out another chuckle at your right up confused and disbelieving facial expression. ''No...'' You mumbled, thinking this had to just be a nightmare, this can't be real. Another one of her laughs echoed in your ears as she harshly slammed her hand against your chest, knocks you off balance and putting you in a little more pain. ''Ow'' You yelped. ''Your pain amuses me.'' Was her cheerful and menacing response. She spoke standing and heading to the door. ''I prescribe plenty of 'rest' and also... Don't try to escape Slendermans Mansion, unless you want to seal your fate with death.'' Her laugh once again echoed as she disappeared out the door and down the cold stone hallway. ''Slenderman....Mansion...'' You laid down in shock, then suddenly jolted up standing as the door opened again, this time a girl with long wavy black hair, pale skin, left eye green right blue stepped in. She was wearing a black bandage top and worn out jeans, you stared at her a second then realized she fitted the features of the girl who attacked you. Your scream filled the cold and silent mansion, she quickly grabbed you trying to calm you down. ''Its okay! I'm not going to attack or kill you!'' You now said in a angry tone ''How can I believe you? Murderer!'' She looked at you, her eyes were filled with cheer and kindness, she said in a gentle tone. ''I know it doesn't mean much to you right now, but I give you my word. I will protect you from the others while you stay. But if you harm someone or try to get away, I will kill you. You are now locked away in this mansion, with no escape. Okay.'' You couldn't believe it, you were trapped, here. With these monsters, but you knew you had to at least survive. ''Okay... What's your name..?'' You said still skeptical of her. ''Ms. Grimm'' So... It is her... All of them are real... The Creepypastas... And now you are stuck here with them all... Locked Away. Who can you trust? Anyone?

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