Oh God No

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You were running as fast you could, heart pounding, through the woods.... Oh wait. How did you get here you wonder? Lets back track.

Your POV~
The door started to open, no.... I can't die, then I remembered the balcony not to far down from the window then another jump and I might land on the ground, fairly unharmed. It was worth a shot, I took off, pushing the heavy window open and leaping out. Landing quite harshly on the balcony below, farther than I thought. Gotta keep going though, leaping off the small balcony another harsh thud pretty much face down on the ground, dried leaves crunched under my fallen body. Gotta get up, gotta go. Run run run and keep running. Scrambling to my feet I took off, leaves crunching under my feet, heart racing. Running as fast as I could go, the pounding of my heart rang in my ears as my adrenaline kicked in, the will to survive driving my bruised body to run faster and faster. The woods all appeared the same though, like there was no end, I was being drove crazy but no, no way am I stopping. I'm not looking back, I will never look back. Suddenly you flung forward, tripped over a root you landed with another thud on the ground, feeling so weak like your body just gave out at that moment. No.... I have to get up. I'll die if I just lay here for something to get me, for them to hunt me down and chop me to bits. I can't end up like that poor girl I watched die. No way, I will fight for my life if I have to. Lifting myself I heard it, crunching leaves and foot steps approaching.

Grimm's POV~
Where did he go??? Damn it.... The window!!! He's out there alone! I told that idiot not to leave! God fucking damn it! He's going to die. No way around it, by me or the others. Better get hunting, maybe I can make it a quick death if no one else finds him first.

Jeff's POV~
Ha! Found myself some nice prey, Grimm sure let him go to waste, he's so helpless. Look at him. Well, lets not waste anytime making that ugly little piece of human shit beautiful~ Though he will never look as good as me. Laughter fills my lungs god. Move it. I approached the helpless boy on the ground, he heard me and turned his head around, wide eyed as I expected. I couldn't help but burst out into thrilled laughter. This will be so much fun!!!

Your POV~
I turned to see the pale man, a bloody and ugly carved smile in his face, burnt off eyelids. None other than the infamous, Jeff the Killer. But I don't plan on dying, nope not today. Let see a weapon.... A weapon... AHAH! I cheered mentally as I spotted a large tree limb near me, just as he came lunged for me with that blood stained knife  I got ahold of the limb and clonked him in the head with it. ''FUCKING HELL!!! YOU LITTLE BITCH!'' He screamed, a chuckle escaped my throat in slight victory, but it was over yet, oh shit. He looked extremely pissed so I decided to get on my feet and run like HELL to get away, but I could hear him behind me also.

Grimm's POV~
''FUCKING HELL!!! YOU LITTLE BITCH!'' I heard Jeff's yell, I took off and was just in time to see them both take off, Y/N running for his life and a angry Jeff chasing, slightly amusing but I ran quickly after the two. No, I can't let Jeff catch him.

Your POV~
God damn these horrid woods!!!! Which way is out???? And I can hear him getting closer and closer too.... This is not good.... Not good at all, I guess I better just keep running. I twisted round the trees and zig zagged all over the place, hoping to lose him and someone else cause I could swear I heard an extra pair of foot steps, over my pounding heart that is. I hope to keep my heart pounding too, definitely don't want that ugly ass, Jeff to cut it out. I'm so tired, I have to stop, but not for long. I dove behind a large tree and hid, hoping they were far enough behind I could catch my breath at least. But nope, the branches rustled above me and Grimm dropped out of the tree, landing on her feet in front of me. ''I told you not to run out!!! Now I have to kill you!!!'' Before I could even try to take off I was tackled by the incredibly strong female, her trusty axe in hand and ready to strike. Oh god no.... Why.... Please somebody help....

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