Snuggly, Cuddling. Cute Shit.

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You had another nightmare about Ms. Grimm dying, it was consistent, this girl killing her then you. Over and over and over and- (okay I'll stop now) But you couldn't get rid of it, the chills it gave you. It seemed so real. You sat up looking out the window, you didn't like being alone in your room, too many things could get you. Probably why every time you shut your eyes tonight you have that horrid nightmare. You shivered, it was also cold as fuck in this mansion, the blankets weren't enough. You decided to go get some more blankets, not only for warmth but maybe talking to Grimm another minute or two would calm your nerves. You went across the hall to her room, you knocked on her door. Inside you heard screaming, you flung the door open, she was tossing and turning, having a terrible nightmare. Suddenly you ran in grabbing and hugging her, you cuddled and tried to soothe the sleeping female. She clawed at you slightly before waking up. ''H-Huh...? Y/N?...'' Said the confused Grimm as you held her in your arms. ''S-Sorry... You were having a nightmare...'' You said nervously. ''Its okay... Thank you, Y/N.'' She replied in a soft and sleepy tone. ''I'll just leave-'' Just as you started to get up she grabbed your arm, a pleading look in her eyes. "No... Please stay... I don't want to lose  you...'' Not questioning what she said, you obeyed snuggling up under the covers with her. Soon you both were blissfully asleep.

Ms. Grimm x Reader Where stories live. Discover now