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You woke up that morning, something smelt sweet like maple syrup, not bothering to open your eyes or anything you snuggled into the warm being, light was shining brightly through the window. Isn't my window boarded up? You thought, then remembered you were in Grimm's room. Oh... You mentally spoke to yourself then suddenly your eyes shot open in realization of what the warm being was, you were currently cuddled up to the female known as Grimm. Surprisingly she had that strong sweet scent, with a hint of blood which was slightly disturbing, but you were growing used to it from being in this mansion full of psychopaths. A fairly deep blush crept across your face as you started to wiggle out of her arms to only be hugged tighter. ''Teddy bear...'' She mumbled in her sleeping state, you chuckled and let out a soft sigh, you didn't really mind being her teddy bear for now. Sleeping she seemed so vulnerable and cute, as if she wasn't a crazed axe murderer at all, but sadly that's what she was, and she did in fact attack then kidnap you. You were thankful though she seemed to be protecting you here, though you had no idea why, you shook your head, shouldn't question this to much, lets just enjoy the cuddling. You continued to cuddle falling back into your dream land, little did you know soon after Grimm woke up and got out of bed.


You woke up to see no cute Grimm fast asleep near you. Where is she? You mentally asked yourself, sitting up and scanning the empty room. Nothing but her scattered stuffed animals, you sighed. ''No telling...'' You mumbled to yourself getting up. You went in her small but quite convenient personal bathroom, you took a shower, sadly Grimm actually did have a little blood on her and it got on you, plus you haven't bathed for a little bit now. After all that puking and sweating from fear you probably- no. Definitely needed a shower by now. You took a shower not even thinking about the fact you had no other pair of clothes. ''Shit....'' You mumbled the choice word, wrapping yourself in a towel you headed across the hall to your room, luckily they had left you some clothes that would fit. You quickly got dressed, not wanting to bare being nude in this cold ass mansion any longer than you have to. Now wearing a bright red hoodie with jeans, not too bad, you looked around your room a bit, trying to find anything interesting. You peaked between the boards that blocked your window, or tried too. The cracks only were barely big enough for a tiny bit of light to escape in through, but nothing else. With a heavy and annoyed sigh you backed away from the window going back to Grimm's room, looking out her window you got a nice clear view of the outside world, but saw something that made your stomach turn. A girl, no the girl from your dream standing there, staring at the mansion. You remembered her in your vivid nightmare, killing Grimm brutally then you. She was slender, pale with long blonde hair reaching the back of her knees, she was wearing light jeans and a white baggy sweater. At her sides she gripped, swords! Yep that was her, even though you couldn't see her face, suddenly she looked up, you ducked down quickly. You didn't want to see her face if it meant her seeing you! Heart pounding wildly in your chest you peaked back over the edge of the window seal, to see... Nothing. She was gone. Maybe you were just being paranoid. You shook away the thoughts her as Grimm entered the room, fluffy and delicious waffles on a plate. ''Here you go!'' She smiled brightly handing you the plate. ''Thanks!'' You said digging in, forgetting about your nightmare and the girl, for now. Your fears are gone.

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