Warming up the Ice Queen's Heart

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Hey guys. Sorry about the wait. Just been busy irl, as well as been updating some other fics. I'd recommend checking them out. They're not good, but they're a work in progress. Anyway, back to the story


Y/N, Ruby and Yang headed to where Weiss and Blake would be. They'd stopped at a store to buy a backpack for Y/N, so Alpha could sleep there. Tallow sat on Yangs shoulder, curiously pecking at her blonde hair. Yang was protective of her hair, but Tallow pecking her hair didn't seem to bother her, mainly because it was her brother's pet that was playing with her hair. She didn't mind it one bit. She thought it was adorable how Tallow pecked her hair. Alpha laid asleep in Y/N's backpack, with the top open so he could breathe. Soon they arrived at the park. Blake sat with Weiss talking about what happened at Haven Academy when the three of then arrived. When Weiss saw the baby Nevermore on Yangs shoulder, she grabbed her weapon. Blake did the same and was about to shoot when Y/N stepped in front of Yang

Y/N: Don't shoot. It's a friendly Grimm

Weiss: Friendly?  Not likely. Grimm are heartless monsters.

Y/N reached towards Tallow and she hopped onto his hand and chirped as Y/N petted her. Blake was surprised that this Grimm was friendly. They both heard a yipping sound from behind Y/N, and Alpha hopped out. Ruby picked him up and Alpha licked her face, making her giggle. Weiss put her weapon away and so did Blake. Alpha looked at the two Huntresses and whined a little, scared of them. Y/N stroked his head to calm him, before gently holding Blakes hand and moving it close to Alphas nose. Alpha sniffed Blakes hand curiously before licking it. Blake smiled and gently stroked Alpha. Alphas tail wagged happily. Weiss held her hand out and Alpha did the same thing, sniffing Wiess' hand before licking it. Tallow flew to Blakes shoulder and pecked curiously at Gambol Shroud. Blake gently stroked Tallows head, and Tallow closed her eyes, chirping happily. Weiss smiled at Alpha as she petted the young Beowolf. She'd known Grimm would be attracted to negativity, but no one had ever tamed one. Speaking of which, no one had really possessed a Semblance that allowed them to tame Grimm. Y/N was the first and only person she'd known to be able to tame these beings. She looked at Y/N who was meditating in the grass. Suddenly a (Favourite colour) Aura surrounded Tallow and Alpha. This was a good part of Y/N's Semblance. He could transfer his Aura to his tamed Grimm, therefore making them stronger and able to heal themselves. The four girls looked surprised at the abilities Y/N had. Not only could he tame beings that were attracted to negativity in every form, but he could also give Aura to those he did tame. Which the four saw as impossible, as Grimm were usually Aura-less, nor did they possess any way to have an Aura in the first place. Y/N smirked at the girls.

Y/N: Aura transfer. Works on all my Grimm pets. I didn't tell you about the type of Grimm that Alpha and Tallow are, did I?

The girls shook their heads

Y/N: Well, Alpha is an Alpha Beowolf, hence his name. And Tallow is a Giant Nevermore. They're still young now, but they'll grow up quickly. The time for a Grimm to mature depends on the type. Beowolf Grimm tend to take about six months, whereas Nevermores tend to take about a year as they are much bigger. But when Alpha is fully grown, Tallow will be about the size of a normal Nevermore. So she'll be a great combat mount. Not to mention that these two grow stronger as they age. Tallow will be able to carry a lot of weight when she's fully grown. Hopefully she'll be able to carry Alpha when she's about halfway through her growth

Ruby squealed in excitement. She wanted to see more of what her brother's Grimm pets could do. But it was getting late. So the seven of them headed to find a place to stay for the night. Ruby placed a call to alert the owner of the place that someone else was staying with them, and that they had pet Grimm. The person on the other end of the Scroll seemed skeptical about the pet Grimm, before Ruby switched the Scroll to a video chat and showed them Y/N and his pet Grimm.

Ruby: Don't worry, they're friendly. They won't hurt anyone who doesn't hurt them.

Soon they arrived at the place they were staying. Y/N had a room with Yang, and was in the middle of making beds for Alpha and Tallow, when he noticed the two of them asleep on his bed. He laughed a little and stroked the two of them before he settled down into the bed, gave his big sister a kiss on the cheek and fell asleep. Alpha and Tallow snuggled up to their owner, while one of the staff watched. They smiled at the young Grimm asleep with their owner and closed the door gently. Tallow slept on Y/N's chest while Alpha was curled in a ball on Y/N's bed. The two Grimm slept happily through the night accompanied by the warmth of their owner and the comfort of the bed.

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