Chapter Five: Drop The Sky + Break The Water

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I knew that I shouldn’t have fallen asleep, if I hadn’t, Sydney would still be alive, but I am still trying to piece this together, I know the more I stay up, the more I can find what his fears are, I can use it against him, save Liliana and everyone will be safe, but it just feels like it's so hard because this fucker takes advantage of my dreams every time I close my eyes. It has been a couple hours since my interference with Freddy Krueger and a week after Sydney's death, I kept telling my doctor the same thing, now I can't this time, how mentally unstable does this sound: I've been having nightmares of the same guy for almost 5 years, my friend died 6 months after I told him because that same guy killed him. He's trying to kill my friend Liliana who's in a coma and my friend, Kaden died not too long after Kyle's death and I seen it with my own eyes when we were 12, Sydney died because of me, it seems like everything I touch seems to fall apart, so if I tell it again, that'll land me in the mental hospital,”Have you been taking your prescriptions meds Samantha?” I looked out the window and a child holding hands with his parents in the fall, the mellow afternoon, oh how much I missed how-,”Samantha, did you?” I cleared my throat and lied, with those meds, I would fall asleep, but the struggle, I want to save Lili, but I can’t.”Are you still having these delusions?”
“No, I’m not, you are right. It was all just in my head, it's not my fault that Kyle, Kaden and Sydney passed away and certainly isn't my fault that my friend Liliana is in a coma, this is just how life works. I am no longer having these delusions and trying to make up an alternative reality because I just need to accept the fact that this is how the world is going to be, the least thing I can do is accept and make the best of it” He wrote it down on his clipboard,”Alright, I believe that you can have the option of taking the medication, you have improved from the moment I met you and we can continue these sessions whenever you are having trouble again” Or maybe I just learned how to bullshit you because all you have in your head is just bullshit psychology and you have your way to find excuses to land me into the nuthouse.

-Samantha's Nightmare-
After searching for his fear and I've got nothing, knowing that Lili is still stuck in there and it has been almost 3 weeks. I was walking in a home,”No, no, please no!”
“Lili?” I went downstairs, I saw her getting dragged by her hair screaming and kicking,”Leave her alone, you son of a bitch!” Then it felt like I was getting dragged into the floor by something, so I looked down, it felt like quicksand, but it wasn’t,”Let her go” There he was, with my very own eyes,”You want her, come get her” Then threw her, I grunted trying to get out of there, I gripped onto the bar,”You will never get up to the level to Nancy Thompson, same for your” He snickered,”Your relative”
“Why won’t you just fucking tell me who is it?” He tutted me and shushed me,”It’s for you to find out”
“Give me some fucking answers already, I’m tired of this now! What do you want? Where is she?” God his snickering is so annoying already. Then some weird dome trapping us and we were in his memory.

“Don’t touch him!” I saw a woman with amazing blue eyes and reddish hair,”He’s taking their souls, their spirits and feeding them to Jacob” Jacob, as in my father?”
“I wasn’t afraid of you, I was stronger than you but you had to touch Jacob you bastard!” I looked at him,”” I backed up into a wall,”I need you Sam, to get me back up to your world, you and Liliana have so much to know about the secrets of your families” I trembled the more he got closer to me,”What does she have to do with this?”
“She doesn’t know about this, but her older sister was the one that was able to bring the kids into here, like what she’s doing now, and you, have all the powers that was given to Alice, so does Liliana, you two can help me” I shook my head,”No, no, absolutely not, I will not destroy everyone’s lives”
“Too late, unlike your friends in the past, why do you think your father left? No relatives, no one you know, I was very close to your father, oh yes” He was creeping me out so much,”But his dad died because I killed him for cheating on Alice, so I had to do what was right” My grandpa, “Don't believe a word he says, he's trying to get it into your head” He looked everywhere, I guess he must've heard it too,”Your birth has brought a curse to the whole humanity, I'll won't allow it to happen again” He snarled at the nun,”We'll see bitch, we'll just see” Then he faded away, she walked over to me and looked at me,”Just like Alice” I don't get this,”Curious, brave, and strong enough to defeat him, you need to find her, she's the key to all this” I asked her who,”She's the one that released me from my earthly grave, saved your father from him, but quickly, time is running out” Then I woke up at 6am when my alarm rang
-End of Samantha's Nightmare-

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