Chapter Six: New Generation Of Dream Warriors

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So we stayed at Joey's house later on that night, my mom was cool with me 'staying at Taylor's house',"So now what?" Rachel asked and I had to find a way to get all of us to fall asleep and have all of us stick together,"How did you pull Ben and Sydney in?" I shrugged, "I don't know how, but all we need to do is-"
"Try hypnosis" We all looked at Joey and questioned him,"It worked once for me, I can remember how it went, but I can give it a shot to have us in the dream, can you try to pull us in Sam?" But I feel like I haven't been doing that, I don't even have to ability to do that I think,"I don't know, but I'll try" He grabbed his father's hypnosis tool and we sat in sort of a circle, "Are you sure you know how to do this?" Joey was very sure that he knows what he's doing. After that whole thing, we all fell asleep including Joey,"Didn't work J" He sighed and we got up, some of us went to get a drink,"Hey does your parents drink any of this?" It was alcohol that Mark had his hands on, but Joey said that they hardly notice that, so might as well drink a little,"Sam, we really tried, but maybe, just maybe-"
"I might be crazy after all" I looked in my reflection that was a little warpy, I prayed for God to help me, maybe there is no God or he just didn't want to help me, "Sam, you're not crazy" I hunched over,"I've seen Syd and Ben die by him with my own eyes a-and they believ-" Then there was a crash, we went into the kitchen and Mark had his hands out, but the plates were floating, "How are you doing this?" Rachel asked,"That can't be-how-wha-"
"We're in a dream" I chuckled and he was messing around the plates,"Okay put em back before they break" Then he did,"How is this possible?" Mark shrugged,"Dream powers?" Of course, then we all showed our powers and reasons, we can use them against him,"What can you guys do in your dreams?" I asked everyone

Rachel: Shapeshifter
Why-Because I've had imaginations and dreaming to become an object or person

Joey: Tough
Why-always being scrawny and small isn't fun at all

Mark: Telekinesis
Why- Constantly had the urge to just want to break something but not get yelled out or accidently break it

Rebecca: Electrocution
Why-guys keep hitting on me constantly and I wished that it could just stop and want to shut them up by slapping them or anything to send them a message

Jordan: Fire and Ice
Why-Temperature has been a problem for me, I was either too hot or too cold and also how I feel on the inside

Paul: Reading Minds
Why- My whole life, I was curious of what other people are thinking, what they want or need

Sam: Unknown
Why- I can't find it yet, but hopefully I will before this war happens

Taylor: Vitriknesis(Mirror Manipulation)
Why- Every bully I've faced, I wanted them to face themselves and realize what they have become

Now that we're in the same dream together, we needed to find him and once we find him, we get out of there then find his fear or anything. "What do we need to do now?" We were in a group obviously,"Let's hope this will-" I bit my lip, I opened the door, Jordan held my hand and he said together, we opened it and it was what I hoped for,"What is this?"
"Find out yourself" We all walked in, steam hissing, Jordan held my hand and I looked down then back up at him, he apologized and we kept on walking,"Sam? Joey? Rach? Is that you?" Liliana was dragging her body across the floor coughing up blood then Rach got a little crazy and wanted to run straight to her, Joey had to pull her back,"That's not her"
"But she's right there and she needs our help" She pointed where she was,"It's not, believe both of us, he'll play with your minds, that's what happened to Ben and Sydney" We kept walking, "Okay we believe you, now let's go" I wished we could, but I needed to find him, but then we heard screeching,"What the hell's that?" We covered our ears, then we saw an elk with the ribcage showing and standing on its hind legs,"You know I have a fear for creatures like that one Sam" Paul whispered into my ear, I shrugged,"I!" We ran while the elk was chasing us,"How do we get out of here?" We banged on the door and I heard Lili's voice,"It's always been me Sam, I pulled you all in" I looked at the creature while the others were trying to open the door. It wasn't my ability, it was hers all along, Joey pulled my arm and then we all woke up, "Holy shit, you weren't crazy at all" Mark patted my back and I thanked them. "Now what do we need to do to kill this fucker?" I pulled my bangs back,"First we need to find my Grandma, now we just need find his weaknesses, anything that will destroy him"

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