Chapter Thirteen: The Art Of Anesthesia

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Samantha POV
We all woke up from the hypnosis, we all looked at each other, my top was covered in blood, the writing on my skin became more clear: . Since that morning, it became a scar that is stuck with me, I looked into my reflection and saw the white streak of my hair, it will always be there because of Nancy, my dream power will always be there because of my father, even if I gave it back to Freddy and my bravery will always be there because of Alice. We all got cleaned up and fixed our wounds, Liliana had bruises and wounds from him, she didn't wake up with us, her parents gladly called my mother saying that she's finally awake, even called Joey's place, I grabbed my skateboard and bag,"Hey uh thanks for saving me back there Sam" Joey thanked me, I shrugged,"Don't mention it, you probably would've done the same thing" He said he would, but he probably wouldn't come back alive like I did,"So I'll see you at school next week" I nodded and walked out, the 4 of us agreed that we should be alone during our suspension after what just happened in there and we need to cool off until we are back to our regular selves. I slowed down when I saw a boy with spiky black hair and dark eyes and a little girl who had strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes,"Morning" The mother had red hair and blue eyes along with the father who had dark blonde hair and dark eyes, "Morning" They looked familiar, I think that's only because they looked like my grandparents when they were younger, it wasn't too long until I saw my house, I didn't even know how to walk in there because walking into that house in my dream felt more easier than walking into my own because that house revealed truths more than mine, but it's better for my mother to know that she didn't lose me, so I walked in with a drink from Sorbenots that wasn't too far from my house, it was finally a drink that wasn't coffee. I walked in and set my drink on the coffee table, went into the kitchen to fix myself a sandwich, I went back into the living room where the morning sun was peeking its way into the curtains, I turned the TV on and Tales From The Crypt was on, not even an hour later, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs,"Samantha?" I turned around and saw my mother in her robe, she saw my wounds, she teared up and looked like she was about to collapse, I caught her and she sobbed into my jacket,"I thought I lost you" She looked at me as if she hasn't seen me in years, she hugged me like she was about to lose me forever and she cried like someone died,"Did she?"
"She saved me mom" I did stay at Joey's place until the police came to take her body away, I knew it was going to be hard facing this every day, that the 4 people we knew died.

A week later, we had the funerals, we got back and I ran to my bedroom to look for the letter until I just gave up, then I remembered about my secret drawer, only one person knew about it: Kyle, I grabbed a stool and popped my ceiling open and pulled out my drawer,"Yes" I sat on the foot of the bed and opened the letter

Dearest Samantha,

Words cannot express how much regret I have for not telling you how much I cared about you when I was alive, but I am at my end of this journey, so this is my final letter and I wanted my last letter to be you. I want you to know that I was never afraid of facing him or dying anyways, it was leaving you was what I was afraid of because you guided me to find a reason to live and love again. I did this for you because it was killing me seeing you every day tired and hearing the same nightmares that we had, I did this out of love for you, I know we're only 13, but it feels like we were much older than we were supposed to be. When I first saw you on 5th Grade, I knew that you were different, but what I didn't know was that I'd risk my life for you, I will never forget those times we had after school and that stupid metaphor you said to me about that cigarette which you got from 'The Fault In Our Stars'. I remember those times you would talk to me about your stories, at first I honestly wanted you to shut up, but you were just so into telling me your crazy stories and it actually made me feel like I was part of your life. Before you, I was self destructive, suicidal and a huge introvert until you came along, with you, it felt like I was in another dimension like a dream, that was when I knew that I would follow you anywhere and do anything for you. If I were to go back to when we first met, I would and still wouldn't change a thing. Even though I can't come back to life because that would a huge disaster like Monkey's Paw and Pet Sematary, but I cam still come back to you when you close your eyes, I just wish we had more time, time isn't the enemy for all of us, it's how we spend it, but I've had this definite feeling that we could've been more.

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