A Spring Day

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It was a new year, winter had left us with a tired world that had just started to awaken. The trees were growing blooms and the grass was beginning to green. The snow had still yet to melt away for the last time. It felt lonely, just sitting outside in the frigid air, but I had begun to get used to this feeling. I let the breeze blow my hair back and forth and I let out a long sigh. Lonlieness is never a pleasant feeling, especially when you see the rest of the world move on through life without you. I smiled as tears ran down my face. I didn't know how to feel, I wanted to be happy to see the world bloom, but yet I wanted things to remain dormant. Dorment so I could feel as if I was one with nature. I could feel my tears stiffen on my face as time passed. I felt truly alone in this world, as if no one cared whether I remained here or not. I knew I had some sort of place in this world, I just didn't know what it was yet.. I missed having the constant company of the people I cared about, but I should have known that life isn't a fairytale. Not everyone stays around to be with you through your whole life, it doesn't matter how hard you try. I silently wept under the willow tree that seemed to be as somber as I was. I watched the water flow around the small pond and closed my eyes. I felt someone grasp my shoulder. I opened my eyes and turned to look to see no one there. I sighed once more. I wanted to feel like I mattered again. I wanted to feel useful and wanted. Maybe one day those things will come but for now, I will wait for the seasons to pass me by...

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