Last Chance

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It was just you and I, just the two of us fighting against the inevitable darkness. We fought as if there was something else worth fighting for. The only thing I was fighting for was you. I fought to see your smile, to hear your laughter, to feel the warmth of your embrace. I don't know what you've been fighting for. Perhaps there is someone at the end of this journey, or maybe you know of some paradise away from here where peace is permanent and freedom is at no cost. I wonder what will be left of us when we reach our destination. I hope the best for you my dearest, I cannot imagine a world without you. There are things I have not mentioned. How I see you, how I trust you, and how I love you.. I know that one day you will have someone to call your own.. someone that will love you just as I do. I wish the best for you, my love, for I feel as if my journey has come to its end... I feel my bones become stiff and my blood running cold, my vision had still yet to cease and my heart to stop beating. This is my last chance to tell you that I-

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