The Mirror

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I was alone in my house, no one else lived here anymore.. it was dreary and dank. The floorboards creak with every step you take and you can hear the walls crack as the strong winds blow against them from outside. It was a gloomy day to be alive.. loneliness was no stranger to me but it never ever feels good. I feel a pit in my stomach that wishes I were elsewhere. My head spins as I walk to my bedroom. I fall to the floor and lay there.. I don't feel any need to get back up, but I push myself up back off of the floor anyways. I sit myself onto my old rickety bed and cried. Is this what my life is going to be from now on? Am I always going to be trapped inside this cold and empty home? As time passes my tears stop and dry to my face. I sit myself back up and brush my hair from my face. I stand up and approach my mirror. And I see my broken reflection, my hair is ragged and my and my skin is pale. I reach to touch the glass of my mirror and my hand goes through it. I quickly yank my hand back and check for any damage, there was none. I reach for the reflection once again, my hand goes through once again I look around my dim and dusty room before I step foot into my mirror. I step through and my eyes take time to absorb my surroundings, this place was beautiful. It was like the garden of Eden, bearing the greenest of plants and the plentiful crops and flowers. Everything is so bright and marvelous, I breathe in the fresh air and smile. This is my mirror's world, who knew something could be so amazing. I see a bed of soft grass ahead of me, it is in the shade and near the wildflowers. I walk my way over and lie down, I close my eyes and rest...

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