chapter twenty-one

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As i open my eyes everything is still dark and I chuckle. 'Jesus you scared us.' The voice of Miles says and I hear people gasp. I feel them stare at me like i have grown two heads. 'What?" i growl getting slightly irritated by their stares.. 'Bella your hair.. it is silver.' Miles says and I growl again. 'Are you fucking kidding me.' I growl feeling my hair. It felt kinda strange right now. 'Are you alright?" Miles asks as he helps me up. 'Well first, the moon goddes wanted to talk to me so she just knocked me out so she could talk to me and now suddenly this happened and she sais I was pregnant and...' I hear people gasp again and i just realise what i had said. 'Pregnant?' Miles says with fear in his voice and I growl at him.  Jesus thanks for the happy reply.' I say not caring i was a bitch right now. I walk of the stage to the scent of the woods. 'No come back I didn't mean it like that!' Miles says and i hear him get of the stage fast. The pack just watches the scene unfolding. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and i get thrown against a tree. It couldn't be Miles who had thrown me against the tree because i didn't feel the sparks.  My body fills with pain again and I wrap my arms protective aoround my belly with my baby girl in it. 'Rogues!' I hear someone yells and the scent of rogues and a pack hit me. My old pack. 

I get grabbed by my hair and the familiar scent of Alpha Jason who did those horrible things to me hits me. He drags me with him and i struggle trying to get out of his grip. 'Fighting won't help you little girl.' He says and I growl. 'Please let her go Jason!' My mother says crying. 'Oh well hello mate.' alpha Jason says and he stops walking, dropping me on the ground. My eyes widen. 'Mate?" I say and I hear him laugh. That sick little bastard. 'It is nice to know my daughter finally knows who I really am.' He laughs. For years. They lied to me. Alpha Jason is my father. He is the one who helped me get on this world. The hell. 'Please! I do everything.' My mother begs and everyone is fighting around us. 'I will take everything away from you.' He says while his hands shake a little and my hair bounces with it. Ha the mate bond is taking its toll on him.

'You know why I left you.' My mother says weakly also noticing the mate bond. My so called father lets me fall to the ground and I hear Miles struggling against some wolves who are fighting him. Rage takes over me and before Alpha jason or My father can react I speed towards Miles smelling blood coming of him. Everyone of the pack is fighting against the enemy wolves and the pups and people who can't fight are brought to the basement where they are safe. A growl escapes my lips en I push Miles away. 'Bella no!' He says and I smile sadistic before i shift and i let my wolf Moon in charge of killing those bastards.

Moon's pov(Bella's wolf)

when Bella gives me the control I smile inside and I jump on the rogue that leaps towards us. It's weird because in wolf form I can see and Bella does not, but maybe the moon godness is behind it. My thundering growl sounds through the entire battlefield and a few fighting wolf look at us. 'Bella shift back before you hurt yourself and our child!' Miles yells and he fight of a wolf that is attacking him. He tries to run to us but he is attacked again by a wolf.

"Bella is not there." I say back and I bite down the wolf his neck so it snaps and he falls down dead on the ground. I go straight to the next wolf on my path and push it to the ground and then I cut his belly into pieces. He yelps in pain and I bite down in his neck where the blood flows in my mouth and I kill him completely. I see that Bella's father has shifted and is fighting with her mother. I thought they were mates? nice mates then.

Bella's mother is much smaller then her father because he is an alpha and he is a lot stronger. He takes that in his advantage. That is totally not fair.  I leap to them for Bella because I know she needed her mother alive. I bounch into her father and he growls at us for doing that. 'Take care of my mother!' Bella yells through the mind link from the pack and several doctors run to her mother.  Suddenly I am knocked over by Bella's father and I feel his claws in my flesh. I roar in pain but push him away before he does more damage to me, he also falls down and I jump on him. Bella takes over and I get pushed in her mind. I see her clawing at her father. 'You are dead to me old man.' She says through the mind link alpha and Luna's could have with others.  "Bella stop!" Her father yells back through the mind link but before I know it she kills him with her claws ripping his heart out of his wolfs body. I smile proud at my human for doing this

Bella's pov

I feel his soul leave the body and I smile knowing i had killed the man who haunted my dreams. I shift back but the strange thing is I don't hear any fightings sounds anymore. I feel a strong presence near me and i recognize it as the moon goddes herself. 'Well hello my dear children.' She says and I feel everybody bow except me. I growl  slowly and people stare at me thinking it is rude not to bow for the moon goddess. 'Bella...' she says with and she sounds kinda happy. I held my head high not caring i was naked. 'Yes?' I say with a small growl. 'So i thought it would be nice to just do it here. You won't have one child, but two. Prepare yourself because i will give you your sight back.' She says and I freeze. 'So wait, you took my sight from me?!' I growl angry at the woman in front of me.  I did everyting with a reason my child.' She says and I growl again. 'Good luck.' She says and suddenly a light comes through my eyes and I see everything again. 'Uhm yeah okay thanks?' I say looking around me and I smile at my pack. 'Thank you.' I say and Miles runs to me before he pulls me into a kiss. I smile and kiss him back happy that we were both alright.


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