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✮one thing - one direction ✮

"Troye just go ask" Shaun said laughing at his son.

No way was Troye going to ask by himself. 'Oh hi I saw this guy in the lavender fields and i'd really like to get to know him and cuddle with him.Could you tell me his name please so I can go stalk him'.

Tyde and Sage were laughing and teasing him to his misfortune.Steele just smiled widely and let them be. Okay maybe Troye had a crush on a guy that didn't even know of his existence but he knew it had to be something,he just felt it. He wasn't one for the whole cliché summer romance things but this was different. If he didn't get to know this boy he'd probably miss out on a potential friend and maybe a couple walks through the lavender fields together or he could just be a prick. Troye hoped the second option wouldn't be true.

"Dad please" Troye moaned,crossing his arms over his chest as Tyde and Sage started poking at his cheeks.

Shaun rolled his eyes. "You better end up with this guy after what I'm going to do".

Troye's smile immediately widened and he ran up to hug his Dad. Steele started smiling even wider as he saw Troye's eyes lighten up,Tyde and Sage shared a look while Laurelle was being completely clueless to the whole situation staring down at her phone.

Tyde ran over to Laurelle and hugged her looking at her phone.

"sHE'S RECORDING" Tyde screamed falling down to the floor in laughter,soon joined by Sage whereas Steele tried to keep his laughter in but ended up snorting.

"MOm" Troye yelled running over to her trying to take the phone out of her hand but it was already posted on twitter.

"You looked happy and interested in something other than to do with the internet" she grinned.

A blush tinted Troye's cheeks and his palms grew sweaty. Everyone would see and Troye meant everybody.

All Troye's viewers basically idolised his parents and now it's up. Something caught Troye's eye suddenly,sHAUN HAD RETWEETED IT,TROYE'S DAD. Now even more people would see it,people basically worshipped Shaun.

Shaun walked back into the room smirking at Troye.

"You saw?" he asked as Troye sighed running his fingers through his hair.

"By the way his name is Tyler Oakley,he's plays on the same team as you,single and he's always here at summer,sentimental meaning or something. He lives in a cottage a little closer to the fields and you're welcome".

Troye's breath caught in his throat before he attacked his Dad in hugs and started jumping up and down. "THANK YOUUUUUUUU" he sang out at his family laughed at him.

"You better end up with this boy after that awkward conversation" Shaun laughed.Troye grinned.

Oh I will.

✗ What do you think?

Is it okay? It's starting off a lil fast but yeah :)

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Lavender » troyler auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora