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✮ when can i see you again - owl city ✮

He wasn't here,he wasn't anywhere. 

The past couple of days had been spent doing things as a family such as walks through the fields,a road trip to Paris in which Tyde teased Troye the whole way because maybe Troye had fallen asleep and dreamt of certain Tyler. They had also  walked around the area surrounding the villa and Troye had seen Tyler a couple times,he had waved at them obviously knowing they were tourists also by Sage talking tons of pictures.Troye had blushed unmistakenly embarrassed.Tyde nudged him and kept pointing in Tyler's direction every damn time they saw him. Tyler was confused the first couple of times but afterwards he just waved a little more and looked out for them,and maybe just maybe Troye winked at him a couple times and Tyler's adorable smile widened,exposing his dimples but never once had Troye spoken to him in fear of stumbling over words and clumsily saying something wrong.Not until today.

The rain was pouring down lightly and Troye had caught a glimpse of a certain feathery lavender coloured quiff walking through the fields with head phones in. Without a second thought in his mind he had quickly changed and tried to fix his hair in 10 minutes hoping and praying Tyler would still be outside but the thing was he wasn't here,he wasn't anywhere. Troye couldn't see him,Troye went up on his tip toes and scanned most of the area,a frown appearing on his face when Tyler was still nowhere to be found.

Troye continued to walk stroking his fingertips against the lavender,it smelt amazing but it'd be better if Tyler was here Troye thought.

Tyler Oakley. Troye sighed dreamily before another frown took over his features. Where could this lavender haired beautiful idiot be?  Troye didn't know why he was so infatuated with Tyler.It was just him,something about him made Troye feel safe and secure and his adorable smile made Troye want to stay a little while longer. His presence made this weird feeling come into Troye's stomach,like he was going to puke but it felt more like adrenaline and the second his name was mentioned Troye's ears would automatically perk up and a wide smile would appear on his face.

Troye swears to god they have a connection yet he doesn't even know Tyler. 

The rain suddenly started to pick up and it began to pour down. Troye looked around realising he was nowhere close to the exit of the field and he'd be soaked by the time he got there so he stayed put and looked up into the clouds. Everything seemed clearer now,the sun shone through the clouds and he laughed at how his mood had changed from a love sick puppy to a hopeless dreamer.Before he knew what he was doing he had closed his eyes and thrown his hands up in the air,spinning around in circles having a blast in the rain. It seemed like forever until the downpour stopped when it was only about a couple minutes really.Troye opened his eyes and everything seemed brighter till he started sneezing uncontrollably. Well he guessed this is what you get for running outside to find the person you're infatuated with without a coat and then standing in heavy rain for 3 minutes. Troye shook his head,running his fingers through his soaked hair before  realising he was shivering. He sighed realising he'd be ill in summer,oh the joys. Troye turned around to keep walking for a bit but instead ran into someone,him being clumsy knocking  both of them into a row of lavender,him landing on the person.

"Oh my god i'm so so-" he began before his mouth opened in shock.Here he was basically lying on top of Tyler Oakley,soaking wet with his hair and clothes dripping and Tyler was smiling at him.His breath caught in his throat as he scrambled to get up but Tyler held him down gently by the waist. 

"Troye right?" he asked closing his eyes,their noses brushing,his breath coming out so even whereas Troye's heart was beating half a mile a minute and he knew a rosy red blush would be covering his face.

"Uh huh" Troye whispered but never failed to notice how close their lips were,so close they could brush against eachother. 

"Come on,let's get you dried up" Tyler said smiling but not moving,their lips actually brushing this time and Troye had to remind himself to breathe every couple of seconds.Troye tried to get up again,incase he was crushing Tyler and it'd just be weird.

"I wanna stay like this" Tyler muttered before his eyes opened suddenly realising what he had just said,a blush began to cover his face and Troye could feel Tyler stiffen up under him. 

Troye had made Tyler Oakley blush,Troye had made him blush,him.

"U-Uhm I mean" Tyler tried to say. Troye quickly interupted him with a whisper.Not knowing if this was the right thing to say to someone he had just properly met and knocked down but it felt right to say in the moment and who knew if they would ever speak to eachother again? 

"Then stay like this."

✗ how was it? 

I know this fic is hella bad but it's about to get hella fluffy.


duBAI ✗

Lavender » troyler auWhere stories live. Discover now