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♥ for the bae,honestly you're just utter perfection ♥

✮ high hopes - the vamps ✮

"Go away," Troye mumbled trying to push whoever was sitting on his blankets off,snuggling deeper into the bed.

"Troye boy get up" he heard a voice that he knew to be Tyler's. Troye's heart began to beat quicker.No matter how badly he wanted to see Tyler,Tyler could not see him as soon as he woke up. He probably already has Troye thought.Troye then pulled the covers over his face only showing his eyes. He began to run his fingers through his hair fixing the probable bed head. "Uhm hi great to see ya but what are you doing here?"

Tyler rolled his eyes "Your Dad looked through your phone and got my number.They all went out to the beach but they couldn't wake you up and didn't want to leave you at the villa alone."

"They went to the beach without me?" Troye asked sadly his mood changing instantly.
He wanted to go to the beach. The beach was fun and made Troye feel happy.It was one of those places he could just breathe and relax,forgetting about his worries but then again Tyler had the same effect on Troye without leaving bed.

Tyler noticed Troye's change in mood and stroked the hair off Troyes forehead. "Hey I'll bring you to the beach here one day."

Troye's heart fluttered,trying to memorise Tyler's tender touch.

"Promise?" Troye said quietly.

"Promise" he said extending his pinky finger out. Troye gently entwined his pinky finger with Tyler's looking up at him. His teal-y grey eyes full of affection.Troye bit his lip,these were the moments he longed for.Moments like this made all the pain worth it. Everything just seemed to fall into place.

Without any hesitation Troye pulled Tyler into a hug,snuggling into his chest.

"Thank you" Troye muttered inaudibly into Tyler's chest,once again trying to memorise this moment hoping and praying it wouldn't end soon and Tyler would not get creeped out.Tyler's breath tickled Troyes ear and goosebumps formed on Troyes skin.

"It would be my pleasure".

They sat there for a while before reality started to catch up on them. Troye struggled to get his head out of Ty's chest as it was so comfortable but Troye didn't move out of Tylers arms.

"What time is it?" Troye asked.Tyler started to laugh,his chest vibrating.

"It's like half 12" Tyler replied smiling down at Troye.

"That's not even late!" Troye exclaimed and he shook his head.

"Oh Troye" Tyler breathed out rolling his eyes.

"Well it isn't" Troye replied sticking out his tongue. Tyler didn't reply he just stared at Troye before a huge smile broke out on his face,lighting it up.

"Can we like do something?" Tyler asked taking Troyes hands in his.

"Yeah sure we can,but can I like change and stuff first?" Troye asked really not wanting Tyler to keep staring at him with the way he looked.

"Oh no I don't mean like outside stuff I mean staying in and doing something since i'm pretty sure your parents went into town after the beach".

Troye frowned again. "I promised" Tyler reminded him and Troye couldn't help but quickly hug him again.

"Okay one second I'll change and get us something to eat and ehm stuff" Troye said getting up from their embrace but not letting go of Tylers hands.

"Righto" he replied. Troye stood there for a second watching as Tylers eyes looked up at what he was wearing. Troye was disheveled,his hair slightly okay but his white baggy shirt was hanging off his shoulder and he was wearing plaid pyjama bottoms. Troye cursed myself in his brain as Tyler looked back up to his face,letting go of one of Troyes hands and tracing circles on to the back of the other one.Troye bit his lip,getting uncomfortable.

"You really don't know how stunning you are,do you?"

Troye could feel the blush creeping onto his face as he tried to contain the goofy smile threatening to appear on his face.

"Smile for me?" Tyler whispered as the smile appeared on Troyes face no matter how hard he tried to keep it at bay.

Tyler freaking Oakley.

✦ ✦ ✦ ( troye what are you doing here? )

"They still aren't back yet" Troye complained.

"What? Am I that bad company?" Tyler said mock hurt in his voice. Troye rolled my eyes.

"No no,I like having you around but it's just they deserted me".

"Troye you were asleep!" Tyler exclaimed.

"Okay fine then" Troye replied lying down on the bed. "I'm bored".

"Okay then let's do this thing,where we ask eachother questions,you answer my question then I answer yours,we'll get to know eachother" Tyler said fidgeting with his fingers.

Tyler laced his fingers with Troye's before gently tugging at Troye to get him to lie down. He lay down with Troye pulling Troye closer towards him.

"Okay so go" Troye whispered looking up into Tyler's eyes. He took a deep breath.

"So what's your favourite colour?" Tyler asked seriously.

Troye  laughed and Tyler smiled at him. "Blue" Troye replied back,tracing the palms of Tyler's hands.

"What's your favourite type of exercise?" Troye asked him and he quirked an eyebrow at Troye.

"Running my mouth and jumping to conclusions" Tyler answered and Troye chuckled rolling his eyes.

They continued their banter and continued to keep getting closer to eachother,inwardly and literally as well.Starting with entwining legs,messing around with eachothers hands,peppering kisses down cheeks,getting so close their breaths were once again merged into one. They always seemed to find ourselves in this position.

"When was the last time you were nervous?" Tyler asked gazing into my eyes.

"R-right now" Troye replied honestly. His lips tugged upwards into a smile.

"Why?" Tyler asked again.

"Why not?" Troye answered biting his lip.They both stared at eachother,getting lost in trying to memorise.

"This may seem like a weird question but do you want to kiss me because I would really like to kiss you". Troye's eyes widened in shock.

"I know this is extremely forward and we've only met but I really really like you and I think subconciously i've already set high hopes for us and i'm really sorry because I shouldn't have ever thought about it-".

"Yes" Troye breathed out,a blush covering his face and his eyes resting on Tyler's lips.

"Wait w-what?" Tyler whispered.

"Yes. Yes I would like to kiss you. Y-e-s.Oui since we're in France" Troye said smiling brightly.

A look of relief came up over Tyler's face and he started to laugh shakily.

"Yes?" he questioned again.

"Yes" Troye replied again grinning at him.

"Oh Troye Sivan".

✗ so much dialogue omg,

this was horrible but thoughts?

please vote and comment.

thank you so much if you do

areej xx ✗

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