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✮ I Know You Know - Big Time Rush ✮

"Uhm so you're kind of sitting on me" Troye heard a voice say before he turned around to face the row of lavender.

"What the hell" Troye whispered,there was no one even there.He rolled his eyes. His brain was probably acting up since he was going through Tyler withdrawals.

"No like you're seriously sitting on me you twink" the voice said again and Troye turned back around to see a face emerging from the row of lavender. He was terrified so he jumped up,Troye could feel the colour drain from his face.

The person began to laugh and Troye recognised it at Tyler's unique laughter.


His smile widened when he noticed Troye used his unofficial nickname. "Woah calm down" he chuckled rolling his eyes. "I'm not Beyoncé or anything".

"Oh but you're better" Troye replied sincerly,winking at him. Tyler's face immediately flushed rosy red.It took a moment to sink in.

"I MADE YOU BLUSH OH MY GOD TILLY" Troye squealed mistakenly using the nickname he used for Tyler in his head. Tyler's blush increasing. "Tilly?" he asked raising his eyebrows before Troye froze.

"Uhm yeah,y-yeah it's like uh" Troye stammered before quickly trying to think of something to stall.

Tyler stood up "so you don't want to tell your Tilly why he's called Tilly?" he asked stepping closer towards Troye.This was going to be embarassing,how was Troye supposed to tell him it stood for 'Tyler I like love you'.

"Uhm only if you can c-catch me first" Troye said quickly running in the opposite direction,sprinting through the lavender bushes.

"YOU LIL PUNK" Tyler yelped,running after Troye. This was a really stupid idea because Tyler was already catching up and Troye was unfit. Nutella eating internet people should not try to run away from possibly former track stars. Troye kept running till he knew Tyler was far away and quickly ducked into a unusually big lavender bush,hoping and praying it would conceal him to save his embarrassment.

But Troye had made Tyler blush again,Troye had made Tilly blush and Tyler had said your Tilly,not just Tilly your Tilly. Troyes stomach twisted in knots,what if Tyler liked him back? Could that be a possibilty? But we don't even know eachother that well so why would he like me Troye thought.Troye liked him,but he's always liked him,well ever since that day Troye saw his beautiful face and just him.He was sitting there in the lavender fields with earphones in mouthing words to songs with his eyes closed. Troye had felt mesmirised by him and had just frozen in place.Troye's Mum and Dad noticed and teased him then he had forced Dad to get his name from the Lady that tended to the villas and the surrounding field area,she obviously had to know him and she had.Now he was here with the boy he consider to be perfect yet the boy doesn't know anything about it and about Troye,after being to his house yesterday and him figuring out Troyes Dad shipped them only for him not to mind. Troye felt a headache come on before he realised he had been neglecting his internet duties and Tyler didn't even know about it all.Tyler didn't know about Troye being apart of the youtube community and basically spending his life on ther internet. He didn't know about such a big part of my life so how on earth could he like me even the slightest. Troyes insecurities seemed to take over his thoughts and it was just too much to take in for him.

Troye closed his eyes taking deep breaths,this was not something important right now but he could feel the nervousness eating away at him. Troye basically had given away a huge piece of his heart to a stranger that possibly didn't even give a damn about him so yay Troye that's always great.

Breathing in was not helping and Troye knew he should be getting back to the villa before he broke down in sobs. What had Tyler done to him? He had turned Troye into a big pile of mush and this pile of mush was not emotionally stable right now.

Before Troye knew it he felt tears streaming down his face and he sniffled. Minutes later arms were wrapped around him and Troye knew it had to be Tyler which only made things worse for him.

"Troye boy,hey you're okay,ssh" he whispered soothingly into Troyes ear rubbing Troyes back.He then lifted Troye onto his lap and continued to whisper things to him.

"Timtam don't cry babe"
"It'll be okay,I'll be here with you"
"Come on troye boy,we can get through this"
"If it helps you look really cute when you cry but I don't ever want to see your cry even if you look cute".

Tyler then started to kiss Troyes face lightly,beginning at Troyes forehead and trailing kisses down his cheeks slowly and softly. Troyes breathing stopped and his heart began to beat uncontrollably.

No,Tyler cannot make Troye feel like this. It's unfair 'no,stop Tyler'  Troye silently begged but in all honesty he really wanted Tyler to keep his lips pressed to his skin. Tyler proceeded to kiss Troyes fingertips and knuckles.He stopped and looked up at Troye expectantly. Tyler was blushing and he began to lean in slowly. Their noses brushed and breath merged into one. A smile broke out onto Troyes face involuntarily "so what,you're taking advantage of me when I'm emotionally drained?" Troye muttered still smiling.

Tyler's blush intensified "what no I-I was just trying to uhm d-distract you and I did I made you smile but I promise you Troye I wasn't going to kiss you but like not that I don't want to but not that I do because we hardly know eachother but you know I'm going to stop. God you're so perfect" he blurted out before his hand shot up to cover his mouth.

Troyes eyes shut,god Tyler why must you make this so difficult. Troye could feel Tylers eyes shut as well and his eyelashes pressed against Troyes.They sat there for minutes without end just Troye in Tyler's arms regretting being insecure and Tyler wishing he hadn't said what was on his mind hoping he hadn't ruined what could've been a great friendship.

But none of Tyler or Troye's friendships had started like this,they had never gotten so close this quickly,Tyler hadn't almost kissed any of his friends the first time he had met them and then the next time as well,none of them had ever wanted to be physically touching their friends in some way all the time and they had never sat in silence with their breaths forming together,so close their lips were brushing and you wouldn't be able to separate whose limbs were whose in the lavender bush. This was uncanny. This was not possible but it had happened and was continuing to happen.

"Butterfly kisses" Troye whispered smiling as he felt their lips brush,realising that they were so close their eyelashes had been intermixed as well.

"Butterfly kisses" Tyler agreed feeling goosebumps rise on his skin as the flawless boy's lips brushed softly against his.

Butterfly kisses.


This was just frick, imagine the end actually happening.my heart.
Sorry sorta filler idk.It wouldn't work for me so sorry if this playful chapter took a different direction all together,my brain just jalhsksl.
I see we have some new people so hiiii,what is air?

Vote and comment please xx
By the way if you're still reading I know there might not be tons of you but could you please comment where you live? (I live in Ireland) thanks.
I promise I'm not going to stalk you.

areej xx ✗

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