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✮ On Ne Vit Qu'Une Fois - Sidoine ✮

Troye pushed the hair off Tyler's head. No matter how confused he was Tyler was still unbelievably beautiful.

He was so lost and so scared. He didn't usually feel like this. It didn't happen.

Tyler stirred in his sleep.He slowly began to wake up rubbing his eyes groaning.

"W-what" he whispered as he took in his surroundings. When his eyes reached Troye he froze,his eyes widening. He moved halfways across the bed and Troye couldn't help but cringe at what he created by running away yesterday.

"I uhm hi" Tyler rubbed the back of his neck biting on his lower lip. "A-are you okay?" he decided to ask since there was no other way his brain could think of phrasing it.

Troye smiled nodding quickly,he moved towards Tyler holding his hands gingerly.

Tyler loosely grasped Troye's hand and Troye felt like having a cringe attack.

"I'm okay,I just needed a moment yesterday,sleep deprivation and stuffed up emotions you know?"

Tyler nodded biting down harder on his lip.

"I need to ask you something.Two things actually.Just to be sure.Is that okay?"

"You don't have to act all guarded around me" Troye sighed out.

"How am I supposed to act then?."

"Like yourself" Troye mumbled.

"Oh okay,okay I will but I just don't want to be all up in your personal space and I don't want to freak you out again. I can't deal with knowing you might not like me."

Troye rolled his eyes almost snorting until he realised Tyler was being serious.Wow this was really messed up.Just like Troye himself.

"I like you,I'll always like you. I just needed a moment yesterday and as for personal space you can gladly infiltrate it as much as you want."

Tyler smiled looking down at their hands.

"I wanted to ask if you'd like to spend 24 hours with me."

"24 hours?" Troye asked.

"Yeah like a full 24,from 12am to 12am and we can sleep and everything as well but I just wanted to spend a full day with you. I want to be surrounded by your lovely presence for a full 24 hours."

Troye grinned keeping in giggles.

"It would be a priviledge."

Tyler's smile widened.

"Also uhm" Tyler gripped onto Troyes hand.

"Your dad said something about you posting videos and I'm confused."

Troye froze. What would Tyler think.

"Uh well I"

Tyler smiled encouragingly bringing Troyes knuckles up to his lips, "if you don't feel comfortable telling me it's perfectly fine Troye."

Troye immediately calmed down at these words.

"No I want to tell you I just don't know what to say."

"I leave you speechless okay I'm good with that."

"No you idiot" Troye playfully smacked Tyler's arm but Tyler just took Troye's hand back in his.

"I-you know the internet" Troye bit down on his bottom lip. Tyler was going to reply but Troye sent him a warning look that only made Tyler grin.

"I post videos on youtube,I've done it for a pretty long time. at the beggining it was just singing videos but then I started doing vlogs,like video blogs okay. I gained a pretty big following which I probably don't deserve and that's what it is,also I'm not stopping for anyone so if you think it's weird then you'll have to deal with it or cut me out of your life because it brings me happiness okay."

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