Chapter 4

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I say tonight we go out, get our minds in the clouds~

Alix Pov:

I wasn't sure what exactly I wanted to do with Kevin just yet.

We had the entire day to just us. Maybe we could just hang out at the house?

No. I kinda wanted to take him out. Not like that, just two best friends hanging out. Nothing romantic at all...

"Hey, Kev, wanna go out for some food and walk through the shops?" I called to him from my room.

We finally decided to get our lazy asses up from sleeping for so long. It was only about 9:30 a.m. and I needed to get out of the house after sleeping all of yesterday. 

"Yeah, might as well go out today." I nodded at his response even though he obviously couldn't see me.

I slipped on my black "make noise" shirt and some black skinnies. I hopped into the bathroom while sliding on my white converse.

I jumped back a bit at my reflection. I looked like hell, but I felt great. My outgrown hair matched my facial hair.

I ran my fingers through my hair and pushed it back and threw on my black beanie.

I laughed a bit a how much black I actually wear. Oops?

Kevin slowly walked in still looking tired as ever. He was only in his boxers and his hair was fallen over his face.

"Well, good morning sunshine!" I chirped happily.

"Hnnng" he groaned. I moved his hair out of his face and held his face in my hands.

"WAKE UP!" I yelled. He just smiled sleepily.

"O-KAY." He replied. His voice was raspy and unlike his usual higher pitched voice.

I pinched my nose playfully and pretended to gag.

"Hah, your breath reaks!" I just laughed at him.

"Shut up!" He hit my arm and grabbed his toothbrush while beginning to brush his teeth. He looked like such a man-child.

I reached for my toothbrush and began to brush mine with him. He just scoffed at me and I giggled.

Why the hell did I just giggle??? I hoped he hadn't noticed, but it was obvious that he had.

The sides of his mouth turned upwards into a smile.

"Awh, how adorable." He mocked my accidental giggle and it soon turned into a real one.

I began to blush a slight tint of pink. I spit out the excess toothpaste and splashed my face with water. Kevin finished brushing his teeth, so we headed out of there.

"I'm gonna go get dressed, then we can leave."

I sat on the couch waiting for only about 5 minutes, which I spent mindlessly scrolling through Twitter.

He came out dressed in a muscle tank with a cat on it, black skinnies, a plaid red and black flannel tied around his waist, and black vans.

It was a nice change from how he had looked only a few minutes earlier.


"Yeah, let's go." And with that, we headed out into town.

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