Chapter 7

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Trying to sleep just to forget my name, trying to sleep just to block out the pain~

Alix pov:

I woke up the next morning with a loss of appetite. My stomach was tied in knots just thinking of Kevin.

There's always been this sort of tension between us, but I chose to ignore it.

Now I feel like all of the unsolved issues have risen, forcing us to deal with them.

I just don't think I really do like him. At least not enough to make a big deal about.

Don't get me wrong, Kevin is a very attractive human being, but I can't push myself to admit my feelings.

There were so many things that I really did like about him, for example...

His perfectly messy chocolate locks that he ran his fingers through when he became nervous.

His thick eyebrows that layed just above his sparkly turquoise eyes.

His cute nose that was decorated with a small silver ring that pierced the left side, and a septum that lay right below his nostrils.

The slight peach fuzz that grew right above his perfectly pink tinted lips.

His smile that shined so bright and beautifully, it could make even my worst days better.

... I could list everything else that I liked about him, but that's pretty much his entire existence.

Maybe it was wrong of me to keep these feelings deep inside, but what else could I do?

I didn't want to create problems between us and the rest of the band.

I always thought of us as equals in Ghost Town. Nobody being more important or more replaceable.

All of their opinions mattered to me.

What if Kevin and I did become in a relationship?

It might be good while it lasts, but what would happen afterwards?

I couldn't risk losing Manny and Evan, and definitely not Kevin.

I got up and walked to my dresser where I got 2 painkillers and almost swallowed them dry.

I second thought that decision, it just didn't even seem worth the possible chance of choking, so I headed to the kitchen for a glass of water.

I walked past Kevin's door and put my ear against it. I contemplated knocking until I heard muffled whispers.

"I think you should tell him, Kev." I recognized the voice as Evan's.

Oooh, gossip?

I wasn't normally nosy, but with the circumstances of it possibly giving me some answers, I thought I'd just wait a little longer.

"I can't risk him not feeling the same way about me. I LOVE him, Evan. Why can't he see that?"

So Kevin is... gay? Or at least has interests in a guy.

Listening a little longer couldn't hurt, could it?

"It'll be okay, Kevin. Just try to talk to him. Maybe he's awake now, ya know, after sleeping all fucking day." It was Evan again.

Huh, that's weird... I just woke up from sleeping almost all day. They couldn't be...

I heard footsteps coming towards Kevin's door, and I bolted for the kitchen.

I got out a glass quickly and filled it halfway with tap water.

"Oh, hey, Alix." Evan said as he walked in.

I swallowed the pills followed by some water.

"Heyyyy, Evan." I said, my voice shaky and sounding almost unsure.


"You alright man, anything weighing on your mind..?" He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Nope, nope, nope! Everything. Is. Great!" I speed-walked all the way to my room and closed the door behind me.

I slid down the door until I felt my carpeted floor beneath me.

What was I going to do?

I was in love with my best friend, and the worst part was...

He might feel the same way.

The Perfect Tragedy (Kelix)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon