Chapter 6

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If you think I'm a mistake, just break it off...~

Alix pov:

Here I was, now an hour after the little moment that occurred with Kevin.

I lied in my bed with my headphones in, listening to whatever was on my playlist. At the moment, Follow Your Leader by I See Stars was playing.

I decided it would be best to just give myself time to think things over before making any more risky moves that could lead to yet another failure.

What the hell was I thinking? I went a little too far this time with what I thought was a joke, but am now questioning.

The odd part of it all was that it didn't feel like just some big joke to me. It felt so natural, so real.

I hadn't talked to Kevin much after the incident, too afraid that he might think I was totally weird or something.

I didn't want to completely shut him out, but I also didn't want to get too close.

If only I knew what was going on inside his mind right now... maybe then I wouldn't be freaking out so much right now.

The one question that stuck with me out of the hundreds running through my mind was...

If it was so wrong, why did it feel so right?

Kevin pov:

There were about a million thoughts rushing through my head at this very moment.

Everything seemed so right, so perfect... but it was almost too perfect.

I pinched myself to see if it was all just some fucked up dream, but I guess that wasn't so.

"Ouch!" I winced in pain a bit.

Okay Kevin, focus.

I knew that I really did like Alix, but why did it feel so unreal when he got close to me?

Of course he didn't like me, there was no chance of it at all.

So why did he look disappointed when I pulled away?

Why did I stop him in the first place?

I wasn't sure, but all I knew was that I needed to try my hardest to avoid Alix. Whatever it took, I'd do it.

I decided that I would just stay in my bedroom for the next, I don't know, one hundred years?

I shook my head at the thought and refocused.

Maybe I was just overreacting, to such a simple action. I was probably thinking too hard into such a simplistic move.

I mean, we didn't even kiss. What was I worried about? He was just trying to wipe my face to save me from possible embarrassment... like a good friend would do.

Emphasis on the friend.

I'll just try to see how things slowly work themselves out, in hopes that things will stay normal. 

Hopefully a good nights sleep will clear my mind of all of this unnecessary anxiety.

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