Chapter 7: Frozen Heart

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Elsa's Pov

I had no idea what happened yesterday, but I guess it's in the past now. Anna and I made brownies and made a huge mess, she did most of the stirring and such.

I put on some ice blue skinny jeans, a white blouse, a ice blue cardigan and white toms. What can i say? i like blue. I tied my hair in a french braid connected to my head and sighed at my mirror.

I went downstairs and had breakfast with Anna. She wore black leggings and a long sleeve purple shirt, with gloves and a beanie. it was her turn to cook again, we have our own cleaning and cooking schedules.

"Ready to go?" i asked putting on my bag. she nodded smiling brightly, grabbing her bag and we were off. outside was still filled with snow but i still see some cars driving by my street. Anna tugged on my cardigan

"Um... be careful today okay?" she asked shyly

"Its not raining so i should be fine" i smiled

"No...i mean don't... just be your calm and collected self, okay?"

"What? why-"

"Just...promise me you'll always remain calm" she frowned, where was she getting at? i nodded and reached the school. She gave me a bear hug before we went our separate ways. why was she acting funny? Must be from the bump on the head. which she had a small bump on now.

I walked to my theater class and once again, had all eyes on me. i ignored it and sat on my desk ready for the lesson to begin.

"Hello class! how was your couple of hours of vacation?" Mr.North laughed holding his big belly. "Good? i better hope so because you all have homework!" he held up a thick stack of paper wiggling it around. the class groaned "haha! didn't see that coming did yah? this is a play i wrote during the summer"

"Whats it about?" the blonde girl that said she liked my hair the other day asked.

"Im glad you asked! it is about a boy who got lost in the woods, he finds a beaten down castle and thinks it was abandoned, or so he thought. he meets a young princess who lived in that castle by herself, she was mute and didn't say anything. A evil witch had cast a curse on her for being too beautiful. the boy didn't know this, and the girl let him stay but kept her distance from him... the curse was not only to loose her voice, but was very dangerous"

Why did this sound familiar? lets see... boy lost in forest and finds a home- Hansel and Gretel.

Lives in an abandoned castle- beauty and the beast.

girl being mute- the little mermaid.

and keeping her distance because she was too

Everyone liked the story Mr.North explained "what else? What else?" the girl with colorful hair asked excitedly.

"the boy fell in love with the girl, but she never wanted him near her for his safety, you see, she is dangerous because of the nightmares she gets at night. they compel her and hypnotize her to do bad things. she murdered everyone that use to live in that castle. and it wasn't her fault, she wasn't aware of this long after the witch came back and told her what she had done, after the visit, she was now aware of everything she does. this boy was the key to breaking that curse... the only way he can help her open up, is by singing his little heart out every time shes in the garden" wow...that's some story... but i hate the fact that i feel like somewhere in that story involved me in some way...

everyone in the class clapped and loved the idea. i stared off to space not wanting to be a part of this play.

"we will hold auditions this next Friday! so take these scrips and study the lines you would want to play" he passed every student ending with jack, the scrips that was at lease and half inch thick. i read the title. 'Frozen Heart' i wanted to freak out and rip the script in half, i didn't like how this story was partly about me... Frozen Heart? I'm the controller of ice! dangerous? i almost killed my sister! agh! my fingers started twitching, oh winters! i forgot! i raised my hand in a hurry

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