Chapter 13: Jewels

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Elsa's Pov

How dare he tell me what to do? He has no right! I came here to get away with Anna and be more free then I use to be! I was home schooled since I passed 11th grade and Anna, 9th grade. although homeschool doesn't really give titles. but if it did, then that's our titles

I walked upstairs and noticed sharp ice broken by my door. Why was this here? there's so many that the pile had fell over and scattered across the room. I was told that Kristof took this out of my room, it wasn't a good idea to leave it inside. it'll eventually melt.

I entered my room and saw that it had a thin layer of ice on the walls with broken circular spots. were those huge broken icicles in the hall really in my room? how do I not remember this? I took a towel and picked up as much icicles I can carry and threw them out the window until the hall was clean.

I sighed and stood in the middle of the room. There was dry blood on the floor... I don't understand... I walked over to my walking closet and took out my personal first aid kit and sat in my bed.

I unwrapped the bandages and saw two deep cuts that were carefully cared for. where these come from...? I don't remember having them. I carefully ran my finger around them, it stringed a little

I dug in my kit and took out madam Troll's healing liquid herb she gave me after I hurt Anna... I never liked thinking about that day.

We were in the back of the mansion in Arendelle, in the garden. mother and father were sitting on small table drinking tea and watched us play around. Anna wanted me to make it snow, so I did what she wanted

I had a brief moment where I don't remember some parts, but one moment Anna and I were playing in snow, then the next, she was passed out with an injured eye..

"Elsa! what have you done?!" mother asked worried reaching to hold Anna. I had no idea what she was talking about, but she never lied to me about what happened. I stared in shock at my sister...around her eye turned bleached. like a sun burn or a birth mark. it was spreading to her face, like a rash. we had to act fast and went to see madam Troll.

The psychic that owned an orphanage. she helped Anna and her eye, but now the side of her eye had a small mark on it that looked like a snowflake.

Madam Troll had warned me about the dangers of my powers and a curse...i never knew what she meant by "curse" but I knew she wasn't talking about my ice powers.

I locked myself in my room, only to come out for the mayor's special speeches and occasions. I haven't seen my sister in more then 6 years...

One day, I wanted to go visit my parents in their office. I opened the door slightly to see if any unwanted people were around for me. I saw Anna pressed against the walls terrified and looking at something at the other size of the room.

I ran towards her to protect her from whatever was near and saw Duce holding a knife to my parents neck...

"What do you think your doing?!" I glared

"Time to put them in their place..." his voice was dark... didn't sound like him at all... He sliced both our parents necks and Anna screamed, I stared in shock until everything became fuzzy...

I woke up in Uncle Olaf's home... he took care of us outside of Arendelle in the north mountain. I spend a year keeping my distance from Anna. it wasn't till 2 years ago when she finally came out of her mute phase and spoke to me

"Will we be alright...?" her little voice cracked. I began to cry and hugged her, I made sure my gloves were on. she seen such a terrible vision that might have just scarred her for life. I had to be there for her more then ever...

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