Chapter 20: Sun ☀

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Elsa's Pov

What gotten over me..? i..i killed someone... or maybe... but... i looked at my hands and put them into fist. Why..? why..?

I changed my clothes and put on madam Troll's healing herb and put it on my deep cut... I flinched and felt the soft wind growing around me in surprise, my eyes widened

I sighed and laid on my bed staring up at the soft wind and snowflakes blowing everywhere. Why did i snap at Rapunzel's kidnapper? sure i was angry but i never planned to kill her! was it true that my eyes glowed Aqua..? no, thats impossible...

I stood up and looked through my purse and took out Rapunzel's gift. it was such a beautiful necklace... it doesn't compare to her original necklace with huge diamonds. they were bigger then golf balls!

It was pretty late so i knew her and Anna were sleeping. i got out of my room quietly and opened Anna's door, the two were sleeping in the same together soundly. i smiled and walked over to them, i placed the necklace on the dresser next to Rapunzel and wrote a note for her.

I walked back to my room and laid on my bed again, with soft snow around me. the wind had stopped, i didn't know how but it did.

From the moment i saw Rapunzel on the first day of school, i didn't think much of it, but the time when we were given the script for the play, and she came over to sit close to me, i knew it was her. its a family thing to notice.

I looked at my script that was on the dresser next to me and read one of Elizabeth's lines

"I cant control the curse...theres too much fear... your not safe here..."

I sighed and put it back where i left it. the play didn't bother me as much as it use to, but it kinda just freaked me out how it relates to me so much

I never told anyone, but my mother said the name Elsa was short for Elizabeth. i didn't see the similarities but it was there. I was known as Elsa by everyone, but my birth name was Elizabeth... weird...

And not to mention that Jackson was short for Jack... Was this all a coincidence that the main characters and us had the same names? because it was kinda freaking me out...

Oh well... i cant think of this right now, tomorrow, I'm going to take Rapunzel to her parents. her true parents... i still cant believe i knew her for this long and i just found out that she was kidnaped after my birthday...

I went downstairs and went to get myself some strawberries from the fridge. as soon as my hand made contact. it froze, as hard as a rock. i groaned and set them on the counter, so they can melt in the morning.

The front door opened, who was it? i stomped on the floor to freeze it over, who ever walked in slipped and yelped. i know this voice, i walked over to the person

"Sorry Uncle Olaf... Its pass midnight and someone was coming in,i thought it was a burglar or something" i admit biting my lips, he groaned and stood up, trying to keep his balance

"Thats fine Elsa... but i guess i have to scrape this ice off since you don't know how to reverse it" he sighed

"Im sorry..."

"Its okay, you were just being in defense. Nothing wrong with that" he slide his way to the fridge as if it was a skating ring, he wouldn't have much struggle if he asked me to make him a pair of blades under his shoes.

He wore his police uniform, he took out some left over pasta and heated it up in the microwave.

"Uncle Olaf..." i called, he looked over at me "why you never told me you were a police men?" he sighed

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