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Years later

"Krista! give me back my toy!" Flynn cried

"Stop being such a big baby" Krista giggled

"Its not fair! i want my train!" Flynn cried

"Why don't you just share?" Ellie suggested

"Share?" Krista and Flynn asked

"Yes! i mean, you both want the same thing, we're all cousins! we shouldn't fight" the two looked at each other

"Your right Ellie... wanna share?" Krista asked Flynn

"Yes!" the three cousins giggled and went off to play on the other side of the Winter's mansion

"Ellie! don't go to far!" I called out fixing up the cake for Ellie's birthday party, i could feel my husband, Jack, hug me from behind

"they're just kids Elsa, let them have fun" he chuckled

"oh yeah? so does that mean you wanna play with them to since your still a child?" i laughed, he pouted

"no...i want cake" i rolled my eyes, its hard to believe i married just 5 years ago... our daughter just turned 4, shes the oldest cousin out of Rapunzel and Anna's which are the same age 3 years and 7 months. yeah... we were all pregnant together. that night my father died, i was a real mess, i lost 2 of the important things in my life, i gave away the bracelet Jack gave me years ago, i thought i would eventually forget about him if i didnt have it with me, thinking about forgetting the love of my life was depressing, it made me think that i'll be forever alone... but he came back to my life and now im the mayor and he's still a pilot for Arendelle

"you'll get cake if you help us prepare for the party!" Rapunzel laughed, she was helping out with the table, Anna was decorating the dining room with flowers and such, but was taking a break in the kitchan with Rapunzel, the guys were just walking around.

"awe! okay!" he floated in the air and took Rapunzel's plates. he set them down in place less then 2 minutes. "time!" we all giggled

"thanks Jack! but you know you were going to get cake either way right?" Anna laughed, his face fell

"really!? so i did this for nothing?!"

"its not for nothing! its for your daughter" i laughed, he gave a goofy smiled

"i know" he flew up to me and gave me a quick peck on the lips, i blushed and froze his feet, which made his fall from the weight. even if we were married, he still manages to make me blush. he started laughing "you know you liked it!"

"shut up..." we heard laughing in the dining room, we dropped what we were doing to see who was making the noise, Tooth, Sandy, Uncle Olaf, Mother, Santa, Aster, Merida, Hiccup and Astrid were in out dining room laughing with the kids! i havent seen them since the wedding! well... my friends actually

"sup little man?" Santa asked carrying Flynn in his arms

"the usual, getting all the ladies" Flynn ran his fingers in his dirty blonde hair, which carries the same luck as Rapunzel's... hes just like his father, only he looks more like Rapunzel

"what about you? how you been?" Merida asked Krista and Ellie, they both curtsied

"fine thankyou, welcome to our home!" they said together, Anna and I had raised them to be proper ladies, just like i am, Anna is still her bubbly self, not that i ever complained. we all greeted our friends. hiccup and Astrid's son, Harry, was behind his mothers leg, he was a shy scrawny kid who looked alot like his father, but more tiny and less muscular, Krista noticed and tried to get his attention

Jelsa in high SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now