Chapter 14: Auditions

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Anna's Pov

"Where is Elsa? I'm starting to get worried..." I told Kristof.

"Maybe we should go look for her" he suggested. i nodded and we walked inside to find my sister. i hope shes not into too much trouble, i promise Uncle Olaf that i would help her keep calm

Kristof stopped me right before we turned the corner, we peaked to see what was happening. Elsa had tooth on the collar and made an ice sword about to stab her!

"Oh no! we have to stop her!" i loud whispered panicking, kristof dug in his bag and look out a small bag that looked kinda like a bean bag

"This should to the trick" he threw it lightly in the air, stepped out the corner and threw the bag at the girls direction, the bag exploded into blue dust. Elsa stopped her actions and collapsed with Tooth. "gotcha!" he grinned, we walked over to the girls

"What did you do?" i asked looking at Elsa's sleepy face

"Sleeping powder, madam Troll gave this to me when i was helping to take care of the kids in the orphanage, she gave me this so i could put the little devils to sleep for about 3 hours" he explained, i looked at Elsa's neck

"Wait...what is this?" i noticed red hand prints. Kristof looked and observed

"Hand marks... Like someone was choking her" my face got red in anger

"Tooth did this! Elsa warned me about her and the other guardians! she tried to choke her and thats when she snapped!?" i glared

"Make sense, sounds like Tooth. but lets just figure out what to do first" i thought to myself. i dug through my bag and took out a bottle sealed with a top pop, full of dark blue dust. i sprinkled it onto Tooth's head and put it back in my bag

"That should help" i sighed "this is forget dust, it helps a person forget what happened 5 minutes before they had it sprinkled with it. Even when they forget, they still remember the feelings they had, so I'm sure she'll be scared of Elsa the next time they see each other and she wont know why" i explained "madam Troll gave it to me just in case i need it if Elsa does something to someone...luckily this is the first time it happened..."

"Good, now we need to figure out how to get Elsa home and Tooth to the nurse, her head is bleeding a little bit from the back"

"But i cant carry one of them, I'm not strong enough"

"Yo!" i heard Hiccup greet "whats going on here? why are these girls in the floor?" this is perfect!

"Hiccup! i need a huge favor!" he listened "can you help us take Tooth to the nurse? she slipped" i lied

"Sure, but what happened to Elsa?" Kristof carried her bridal style

"Uh... she just slipped, but shes well enough for us to take home" kristof laughed nervously. hiccup shrugged and placed Tooth over his shoulder

"So she just fell right?" he asked about Tooth, we nodded "cool, i'll drop her off at the nurse, but you guys owe me" he smiled and walked away. i let out the air i was holding in

"Good thing everyone in school is out" i nervously laughed

"Yeah, lets just go to your house" he smiled and carried Elsa all the way home, i stopped outside my porch

"Um...lets not tell Uncle Olaf about this... if he finds out, he'll make Elsa leave school..." I frowned

"But its for everyone safety...including hers"

"I understand...but this wouldn't have happened if tooth didn't try to hurt her!" he bit his lips

"Alright Miss Anna... but if this happens again, i have no choice but to tell him" i understood. we walked inside and placed Elsa back in her room.

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