Chapter 25: Party

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Jack's Pov

I just got Elsa's number, now i can bug her during the day haha! i went home and kept blushing over her kiss. it was just a kiss on the cheek, but it still made me happy.

I opened the door and saw Sandy, Aster, Santa and father on the couch grinning at me, what did i miss?

" went on a date with Elsa huh?" Santa wiggled his brows

"Yeah so?" i made a face

"Did you kiss her?" i made my staff full size and threw a snowball at him, i didn't care if Sandy saw me, he were going to know eventually, but he didn't look surprise "agh! come on man! you came in all red! i just asked" he whipped off the snow off his face

"Kinda..." i ran my fingers in my hair

"Kinda?" Aster asked

"She was upset so i comfort her..." they chuckled

"Our man is becoming romeo now!" Aster laughed, i rolled my eyes annoyed, how did we end up being friends?

"Why are you guys even here?" i asked

"We came over to hang out, but your old man said that you were on a date with Elsa... how was it?" Aster asked

"It was cool" i didn't feel like going in detail "I'm tired, I'm going to bed!" I ran up stairs

"You just going to leave us!?" I heard Santa complain

"Yup!" as soon as i stepped upstairs, i flew to the bathroom and took a shower, i swear, i'll never get tired of flying. after i was done, i went to my room and texted elsa

Me: Sup beautiful 😉

Elsa ❄: Jack?

Me: the one and only! lol

Elsa ❄: oh wow, go to sleep!

Me: Awe... okay, good night! 😘

Elsa: 😪good night Mr.Frost

Mm... i don't like it when she calls me that, i feel like my dad when she calls me that. my door slammed open

"Scoot over bro! we having guys night in!" Aster laughed "and put on a shirt too!"

"What?! no! get out!" i threw multiple snowballs at him and Santa, Sandy was just standing there, i wont ever hit him, he's too nice of a guy

"Agh! come on man! your the only one with powers here! thats no fair!" Santa complained, Sandy looked away whistling , we looked at him funny. i got closer to him and crossed my arms

"You know Sandy, i never knew why you were mute, your whistle can make noise but you don't talk...why is that?" i asked, he looked nervous and scratched his bleach blonde hair. "Are you hiding something?" i raised my brow

He shook his head violently, i poked his cheek "come on, tell us" i tried to annoy him, he narrowed his eyes and signed 'back up! i have nothing to hide!' "fine, whatever" i turned to the other guys "get out"

"Your mean!" Aster fake pouted, i threw another snowball "fine fine!" he raised his hands and walked out. i laughed. you have to show who's boss!

"You too!" i looked at Santa

"Im not leaving" another snowball was thrown "fine! I'm sure you wanna talk with Elsa anyways!" He made kissing noises and left my room, i sighed

"Wanna stay over? your the least annoying out of all of them" i asked, he shrugged and sat on the floor next to the bed, i laid on my bed and turned on the tv for watch some action movie that i seen 100 times.

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