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2 weeks later...

I decided to text Evan. I'd been so scared to, seeing as he'd always kept our conversations short and dry, but I decided to risk it. I was completely okay with a risk. We'd visited each other more often, usually at his house. He'd gotten a cast on his left arm, and I wonder what from. Every time I asked, he'd get really nervous and say he just fell out of a tree by accident and 'it was nothing'. I didn't push him. The only indicator I had was the name that was scrawled across the cast in big blocky letters: CONNOR. I pulled out my phone and began to text Evan.

Jared: Hey Ev

Evan: Oh, hey Jared

Jared: what's up?

Evan: nothing much. You?

Jared: Just felt like texting u

Evan: Oh, cool


Jared: so what're u doing rn?

Evan: texting you

Jared: Haha same

Jared: texting u I mean, not texting me

Evan: I get it


Jared: Can I come over?

Evan: Why?

Jared: I just want to talk to u is all. I feel like ur distancing urself from me.

Evan: Oh, sorry about that. Of course you can come over

Jared: thanks

Jared: I'll be over in 15mins, ok?

Evan: K

I got to his house in a little over ten minutes. Evan opened the door and welcomed me in. We stood awkwardly in the doorway. "S-so, um, d-do you want to g-go to my r-room?" Evan asked. I nodded my head. He lead my to his room, and I felt the magic that enveloped the room. Evan flopped onto his bed. While looking at the ceiling, he patted the space next to him. I climbed onto the bed and laid next to him. I stared at the glowstars stuck to his ceiling. they were really cute. "I love your glowstars." I said, breaking the silence. "Th-thanks" Evan said. I heard the smile in his voice. He then grabbed a tree plushie and threw it on my face. "What was that for?"

"Well I c-can't do it outside of m-my room so I'm taking the op-opportunity now!" Evan said giggling. He then proceeded to toss an acorn plushie at my face. "Okay, you're on!" The old Evan was back. I grasped the tree plushie and threw it at him before going for the acorn. Out of nowhere, Evan pulled a huge stuffed ball with bright, swirling colors. I went to yank it out of his hands, causing me to tackle him on top of the bed, with the bathbomb plushie rolling off the bed. We were out of breath and giggling, me on top of him, us not the slightest concerned with our current position.

I started to lean down slowly. We were not even an inch apart when we heard the door open. "EVAN SWEETIE I'M HOME!" I heard a woman who I assumed to be Evan's mom call. I quickly climbed off of him and Evan sat up as the woman walked into the room. "Oh, here you are Eva- oh! Who is this?" The woman said, addressing me. "I'm Jared Kleinman." I said, stretching my hand out. "Heidi Hansen. Lovely to meet you. I see you've met Evan." she said with a warm yet sly smile playing at her lips. Hansen. Evan seemed to catch onto Heidi's implications. "Mo-om! We're just friends!" I saw his face flush a bit.

I smiled slightly to confirm this. Heidi smiled. "Well it's nice meeting you, Jared." And with that, she left the room. Evan turned to face me. "Kleinman?" He asked with a small chuckle. I lightly shoved him. "Connor?" I said jokingly, gesturing towards his cast. Evan's smile changed. I'm not sure to what, but it was different. His eyes softened and a light blush dusted his cheeks. "Yeah..." He said, sounding so far away. "Okayy..." I said moving off of his bed. I picked up the bathbomb plushie and wrapped my limbs around it. As I was becoming one with the bathbomb, I saw Evan slide off the bed onto the floor, not caring at all about anything. He started giggling to himself and stroked his cast lightly. "Uhh, Evan? You okay there?" I asked."Yeah, no I'm great..." His voice faded away towards the end. I crawled over to Evan and pulled him up. He fell right into my arms, causing me to loose my balance and land on the floor. Billows of steam left our heads as our hair mixed together. Evan stayed on top of me on the soft blue carpet below us.

Hours passed and we were still cuddled up on the floor. Evan had fallen asleep earlier, so I took to combing my fingers though his hair. So this is what water feels like. I was already quite tired, so I let my eyelids droop until they were closed. I heard the door open and Heidi walked in to see us hugging on the floor of Evan's room, mostly asleep. I kept my eyes closed and my breathing steady. Heidi grabbed a blanket from Evan's bed and draped it around us. "Goodnight, boys." After leaving the room, I opened my eyes slightly and glanced at the clock. 10:00. It was relatively early for me, but I knew Jace and mom would be looking for me. Or maybe they wouldn't care. Whatever the case, i wasn't in any rush to get home. I took off my glasses and pulled Evan closer.

Here's three chapters in one night to make up for my lack of updates.

Steam (Kleinsen)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora