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"Okay, Ev, I have to go. I'll talk to you soon, okay?"

"Okay, Jared. Bye!"

"Bye." I hung up the phone and flopped backward on my bed. Fucking what? I call to talk about life and other stuff and he tells me he had sex with Connor. And this apparently happened after I left. I wondered what Heidi thought. "UGH!" I screamed as I threw fireballs at my ceiling. Connor Murphy. Who the hell was he to come in and take Evan? Literally? I Jumped up from my bed and ran outside the house. I didn't know where I was going, but it wasn't going to be home. I ran until my feet hurt and I was practically breathing fire. I stopped abruptly and looked up. Trees. Everywhere I looked there were trees. My eyes widened and I pulled my hood over my head. Evan loved trees. I dropped to my knees and felt my eyes start to sting.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek, and for the first time, the burning sensation wasn't bad. It wasn't there. Or maybe it was. It wasn't normal. I didn't feel. I just... didn't. Numb. Everything was numb. Another tear fell down my cheek and my mind went blank. I felt. Until I couldn't anymore. I forced more tears out of my eyes, burning my face. My vision was completely blurred as I threw my glasses off and stared at the sun. I laughed crazily as more tears burned my skin. My hair blazed and I yanked off my hood. "Jared, stop!" I heard a voice yell. I opened my eyes to see a numerous amount of trees and plants on fire. I summoned fireballs. "Don't tell me what to do!" I screamed as I hurdled the fireballs straight at... Connor?

He held out his hand and destroyed the fireballs into nothingness, with only smoke as a remembrance of what used to be there. He lowered his hand and began to walk towards me, his burnt hair flowing in the wind. "Jared..." He began. "What are you doing?" Connor grasped my wrists and held them down. I watched as steam left our hands. I yanked my hands away from his. "So you're an elemental." I stated obviously. Connor looked down. "Yes." I wiped a tear away, burning my finger. "Of course you are." I said. "Which one?" Connor pulled off a wig to reveal leafy vines. "Earth." I laughed dryly. "No wonder Evan loves you so much."

"What?" I whipped my head around and stared deep into his eyes, our faces inches apart. I smiled as more tears fell down my face and burned me. "Enjoy." I deadpanned. I clenched my fists and destroyed the fires. "How's school." Connor said as more of a statement than a question. "Shitty as usual." Connor blew a vine away of his face. "Yeah, school's weird without Jared the Hot Head." I turned back to him. "No, yeah, my parent's realized that it was a shitty idea to keep me in public school after-"

"After you burned my hair." Connor said. "No shit, Sherlock." Connor sat down. "So," I began. "You're gay." Connor looked at me. "Yeah. What gave it away?" I laughed. "Evan did." Connor laughed too. "he brings out the gay in all of us, doesn't he?" I blew air out of my nose. "Yeah, I guess so." I really hated Connor.

"So that's why his hair is purple?" Connor asked. "Yep. All thanks to me and a lavender bathbomb." Connor laughed and fell onto my bed, me sitting next to him. Connor sat back up and looked at me. His eyes studied my own intently. I saw the small bit of brown in his right eye. "You have it, too." Connor said. He placed his palm over his right eye, then to my right eye. His hand dropped to his lap. I studied his eyes, as well. I've never met anyone else with heterochromia. I leaned in more, my gaze locked to his eyes. Before I knew what was happening, we were kissing on my bed. As much as I hated Connor, I kissed back. I needed it. I didn't know what "it" was. No. I did. I needed to let go. And so I did. I wrapped my arm around his neck and kissed him passionately. I felt his tongue push into my mouth, and mine came out to meet his. Connor's arms snaked around my waist and pulled me into his lap. I hated Connor, but I loved what was going on. I loved it so much.

Of course, we didn't hear the door open. I didn't hear Jace call out my name. I didn't hear my door open. What I did hear was my mother scream. "JARED!" Connor and I jumped apart. My mother stood at the doorway, horrified. Jace ran to the door and did something I'd never think he'd do. "Jared Kleinman," Jace began in a soft and smooth tone that could only be compared to the sharpness of a sword. "You are a monster. That I know. That you know. That your mother knows. But never in my life would I think you would stoop so low as to become a homosexual." Jace stepped into my room. I tried to control my shaking as best as possible. "And not even a normal boy. A monster, just like you." Jace said, stroking Conor's vines. Connor didn't move. "I do not allow homosexuals in my house." Jace said. "You have two minutes to gather your things. If you are not out the door by the time my watch beeps I'll show you what happens to homosexuals who set foot into my house." Jace left my room without another word or action. I watched my mom linger. "Mom..." I whispered to her. Her face contorted to that of disgust. "You are not my son anymore." And with that, she slammed the door.

I got up and opened my closet door. I folded up my pride flags and quickly tossed my keyboard in it's case. I gathered all the money I had and raced out of the door, Connor tailing me. "Jared, wait," He grabbed my arm. "Wait for what, Connor? For you to ruin my life again? You got me kicked out of school. You took Evan from me. And now you've literally kicked me out of my own house! I fucking hate you!" I screamed at him. "Then what the hell was that? In your room? Was it just a fucking dream? No, Jared. It wasn't." I scoffed. "You kissed me."

"And you kissed me back! Was that fake? Was that you bullshitting life?" I shot a fireball at the at him. "No!" Connor destroyed the fireball. "Then what was it, Jared?" I threw another fireball at him, which disappeared into a puff of smoke. "It was me wishing for an idea to come true." I said, tears falling out of my eyes. "I fucking hate you, Connor Murphy." He looked at me as my tears fell. "Wait until I tell Evan." He said. "What'll you tell Evan? That you cheated on him with his friend?" Connor smiled at me. "I'm not cheating on him. We're not dating. And, as I recall, you kissed back." I laughed dryly. "Oh, so you're fuck buddies?" I stared at him intently, and for a split second, I thought saw his vines change into clouds. I needed a new prescription. "Whatever you want to call it, Jared." Connor stood up and walked away. I turned to look at him, and his hair had changed from vines to his fake burnt hair wig. Tears continued to fall from my eyes. What am I supposed to do now?

Wow this is a long chapter. Here's some angst and Kleinphy tease for ya. I know: "this is Kleinsen, but all i've seen is Treebros and Kleinphy!" Don't worry. More to come soon as possible. Thanks so much for the reads votes and support :)
- Ares

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