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THERE IS SMUT IN THIS CHAPTER. NSFW content is featured in this chapter. Please be aware of that whether you chose to read this chapter or not. Thank you :)

I woke up with Connor's arms wrapped around me. We were both in my bed, still quite naked. His vines were messy and entangled with themselves, his soft snores blowing a few leaves lightly. I smiled lightly and kissed his forehead. "Good morning." Connor said, his eyes fluttering open and meeting mine. I smiled and leaned forward, kissing his lips. I laid my head on his chest and let out a sigh. I didn't want to leave. Of course, my stomach has other plans, as it growled loudly. I chuckled nervously and got up. I grabbed some clothes and put them on, heading out of my room only to be stopped by a note on my door:

I had to leave for work early again, sorry. Also, please try to be quieter next time. There are some things under the sink in the bathroom if you need it. I love you!

I blushed bright red. I felt arms wrap around my waist and lips kiss my neck. "So she heard, I see." Connor said. "A-apparently so." I said. I walked out of my room with a newly clothed Connor to get some food. I pulled out cereal and a bowl. I watched Connor take out a bowl as well and poured himself some cereal. We ate our breakfast in silence, staring at each other lovingly. As I washed the bowls and spoons, I felt Connor's lips against my neck again. I closed my eyes and enjoyed myself.

I turned around and connected our lips. "You know, I never replayed you for what you did." I said as we broke the kiss. "What do you mean?" I grabbed Connor's wrist and pulled us into my room, closing the door behind us. "Now I know you probably have somewhere to go, so I'll just do one small thing, okay?" I got down on my knees and undid his jeans. I saw his eyes widen at what I was doing.

My hair turned to crystal-like icy snow as I pulled down his boxers. I watched his length fall out to greet me. He was hard. I lightly stroked his dick, watching him gasp lightly. I put my mouth to his tip, kissing it lightly. He whimpered slightly, clearly holding back. "Connor, I want to hear you~" I sang. Connor didn't respond, so I took him into my mouth. He gasped audibly, his legs beginning to shake. I took more of him down, until he was all the way inside my throat. I looked up at Connor, his mouth open slightly and his head tilted back. I began to move my mouth and he moaned softly. He slowly pushed a hand into my hair, holding back moans. I hummed lightly around him and I watched him fall apart.

I grabbed his hips and bobbed my head back and fourth. "I'm close E-Evan..." Connor moaned out. I felt his warm cum hit the back of my throat and I swallowed it all, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. Connor pulled he up and kissed me passionately. He re-did his pants turned to me. "And you were right about me needing to leave. I'll see you later, okay?" Connor said. I kissed him lightly. "Okay." I smiled at him and led him to the door.

Closing the door, I slid to the floor and practically melted into a puddle. I stayed there for longer than I cared to remember until I heard my phone ring. I crawled to it and picked it up. "Hello?" I said, my voice cracking slightly. "Hey, Evan." Jared said cheerfully. "How are you? How's your day been?" It was three in the afternoon. Wow. "It-its been g-good." I said, nodding my head to myself. "Well, did you do anything interesti-"

"I HAD SEX WITH CONNOR" I blurted out. I heard the other end go silent. "Wow okay." Jared said with a dry laugh. "How's that happen?" I tried to recall the events before we were in my room together. "He's an e-earth elemental. Connor, h-he told me- showed me he was y-yesterday an-and I don't... really know how we got from there to... there." I said. "Well do you regret it?" Jared asked. Regret it? No. I'd do it again anytime. "N-no, I don't."

"Then whats the problem?" I took a breath. "I don't know. I don't know how to feel about it, this." And that was the honest truth. I had no real idea how to feel. On one hand, I loved it. I loved everything about it, and him. On the other, if only met him two weeks ago. It felt too soon. But it didn't. It felt perfect. That was exactly my conflict. Nothing is perfect. "That's reasonable." A long pause. "Was it good?" He asked with a smile in his voice. "J-Jared!" Jared laughed through the phone. "Only you, Jared. Only you."

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