Chapter 10

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The six men crowded around the body that lay before them. Not a breath could be heard, disbelief and horror clear in their eyes. Todomatsu was the first to break. Falling to his knees tears ran down his face as he covered his mouth in a vain attempt to hold back a sob. The wailing cries echoed through the now quiet forest. Soon, one by one like dominos each brothers eyes became misty. This couldn't be real. Not their princess. Not now. They had just hours ago been happily laughing and spending time together. And now she lay on the ground before the cabin in a deep deep slumber.

the brothers had walked home from the mines, worriedly bickering to one another some with some grubles of annoyance spread about in their chat. When they had all met up at the mines it came to their attention that no one was with the princess. She had been safe for weeks but none of them could shake the feeling something was off, all of them deciding to head back for the day. Just to make sure she was alright. When they arrived not a yard or two before the cottage they spotted her.
(y/n)'s body on the ground with a crimson apple in hand. Rushing to her side trying to shake her into consciousness. Choromatsu was the first to take notice of the apple. As he moved his had to touch it it erupted into a dark cloud of smoke leaving behind a putrid smell. no no no... That could only mean one thing. The brothers all stood shocked next to the girl, all their minds coming to the same conclusion. A curse.

Osomatsu was the first to move. He slowly walked to the princess leaning down to her side and gently picked her up holding her in his arms. He wanted nothing more than to hold her close and to see her eyes open and greet him with a bright smile. But he knew better. He turned to face each of his brothers, the girl limp in his arms. Each of them sharing a wet eye somber look. "We have to honor her..." it was the only thing that left that they could say.
With that the men set out walking out into the woods. Their march was slow and agonizing. Each one stifling sniffles and wiping their eyes, but they continued on. One foot in front of the other foot. After what seemed like hours of walking but was only minutes They came upon a small open space where flowers bloomed a brilliant (f/c). They began their work. Stone my stone they spent the rest of the day and night making an alter, a white stone bed for the princess to lay on. they put the last touches of grass pillows and wild flowers for the girl to lay on. They lay her body down, Placing the bouquet Osomatsu had made in her hands, her lips still red from when she had spent time with Todomatsu. Around her was a peaceful aura, flowers surrounding her. Esper Nyanko meowed softly and jumped onto the princess lap. Curling up into a little ball and falling into a wistful sleep alongside the princess. Ichimatsu moved to remove the cat but was stopped by a slight tug given by jyushimatsu on his arm. Looking back ichimatsu could see jyushimatsu's eyes were watery and his normal smile was turned into a protruding frown. Each brother turned to face one another. They hadn't made an attempt to look into any of each other's eyes for quite some time now. Fear that it would just confirm the situation they were in. Fear that it wasn't just a nightmare. But now they knew. This was real. Karamatsu was the first to lay down. Placing his head against the bed of white stone. It wasn't comfy but he didn't care. One by one they each joined Karamatsu in laying next to the princess. And soon they all fell into a tearful sleep.

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