September 14th

82 4 0

Dear Diary,

Okay I am official worried............................................................

----What happened that day----

I woke up down stairs under a blanket. Some thing under my head. Not a pillow but a pair of legs. I looked up to see a pair eyes.................................Blood red eyes staring at me. RIGHT AT ME! I could only stare in shock at this point. At least he could blink which he wasn't. I waved my hand in front of his face. No blinking still. He was asleep with his eyes open. I got up and walked towards the door. Before I could move away from the sofa he grabbed my arm. He was half asleep or still awake and pretended to be asleep. Confused, why does he do this. 

"Where are you going?"

"To my room," I said with a gulp.

"Okay, but you have to come back down stairs." WHAT!!!! 

"Sure." I escaped to my room. Why do I have to go back down stairs? More questions. GOD DAMMIT. I got changed into my cute outfit that I always wear. I heard footsteps go past my room into the next. Finally time to go on to my computer. After getting onto it the news came up. 

' Murder of four' I started to read in my head.

' Four students of the all girls high school in .................................. have been murdered in a back ally. Several stab wounds in three individuals, the fourth had her neck slit open.'

I stopped reading at that point. Who could of killed them. Research time. After 45 minutes I found something. 100 murders all around the same time 8 pm till 2 am. The same time Mr. M leaves the house and comes back. Did he murder all those people.

I spent so much time deciding what to do. I start to plan and work out what do about this problem. By the time I had gotten a quarter through it the time was 4pm. I had totally forgot I was supposed to go down stairs. Oh well. Plus he probably fell asleep. 

After 5 more hours of thinking about the news. I got ready for bed.


well he could of murdered 100 people. Soon I will have the truth.

Night diary,


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