now is all we get (ii)

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New pictures of what looked as a strained interaction between the couple have surfaced today. If you're wondering why, we're here to tell you it's got a name: Ámbar Smith.

The young actress and singer were seen – and photographed- in the middle of a heated argument moments before Matteo was left alone with Sol, leading us all to believe Benson's cold attitude was caused by Smith's presence in her boyfriend's life.

Witnesses affirm Smith was 'all over' the singer before he confronted her in the middle of the restaurant. "She was attached to his arm as soon as she was close enough. [Matteo] looked angry and whispered something to her, probably to leave him alone. After that, she went nuts. [Ámbar] started talking louder about how it was all [Sol's] fault." According to our source, Smith calmed down as soon she realized Sol was in the room with them. "It was like a switch had turned on her. She smiled at [Benson] and her friend, and then left with the other girl, leaving Balsano alone with his girlfriend."

What happened after that? "Sol's smile looked forced, while he tried to lighten the mood between them. It didn't seem to work, because she got all serious and told [Matteo] to join the group upstairs, saying they'd have 'a talk' later. I would act the same if my boyfriend's ex were all over him."

Smith and Balsano had been on a on and off relationship for over five years, before Balsano started seeing ex-professional skater, Sol Benson. Are you #TeamMambar or #TeamSoltteo?

For more on these three, click here!


She was getting dizzy. It was probably a downside of twirling in her dress so many times.

She just couldn't help it. She didn't know how Yam had done it, but the way the skirt moved as she twirled not only looked pretty, but was a lot of fun, too. Luna must've twirled at least fifty times the last half an hour, having Yam finished with her in less than fifteen minutes after they arrived at her shop. She'd done enough dresses for her not to get them ready on the firsts fittings, or so she said. She couldn't say the same for Nina, though, as she'd been with Yam for over thirty minutes by now.

"Red looks so pretty on you." Jim complimented her, "me, on the other side, will probably need to die my hair a shade darker if I want to look decent with it on."

She stopped her twirling, casting an incredulous look to the redhead. "What? But it looks gorgeous on you! Yam picked it up thinking of you!"

"Yam picked it because she's getting married on Valentine's Day, and the theme is 'love red'." Jim snorted. "I'm sure that red being Ramiro's favorite color, and Yam's favorite shade of lipstick play a nice part on it, too."

While Luna admitted she was oblivious of her surroundings like, 60 percent of the time (or maybe 65. Or 70. Sometimes even 75%), when it came to her friends, she was anything but. Something was bothering the sweet Valencian woman. "Jim, are you okay?"

"Of course, I am, why do you ask?"

Was she imagining things now? "I don't know, you just- I mean, you sound a little off, that's all."

Her friend opened her mouth then closed it quickly after a second. She repeated it a couple times, until she ended up pouting. "Yam's getting married."

She almost retorted with an 'obviously', but figured it was probably rude. So, she went with the universal answer to everything. "Oh?"

Jim sighed. "You don't get it, Nina's not dating anyone, much less engaged and soon to be married!"

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