la question c'est voulez-vous?

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Thank you so much for being patient with my procrastinating self! This the penultimate part (a but shorter than what the rest have been, but the final part will be long, i promise), and I'm super grateful you've supported me this far! I'll read you soon X


"Luna, c'mon, you can't keep avoiding everyone."

"I'm not avoiding anyone, Nina." She replied from her side of the door, scrolling through her e-mails on her laptop, looking for one that was due to arrive that day. As soon as she recognized Tamara's username, she opened it, sighing as she read her message. 'It's done.'

"You aren't not avoiding anyone either, Luna."

"A double negation Nina, really, you?"

"It's been days, L. You can't possibly keep on sulking, it isn't healthy. Please."
Luna groaned loudly, tossing her covers to the side as she stood up to open her door. Seconds after, she was engulfed in Nina's arms.

"You act like you haven't seen me, Nina. I was out of the room for breakfast this morning." Her words were mumbled on Nina's shoulder, who hadn't let her go yet.

"Well, I haven't. This... sulky person isn't you, Luna. You don't run from your problems, and you don't shut me out when they appear." She was almost sure Nina had a scowl on her face, which meant she was truly upset on her behavior, as her best friend didn't get mad that often.

"I'm not sulking, Nina, I'm just... thinking." Luna pulled away from the hug, turning to sit on her bed, expecting her friend to follow. She did.

"If you were 'thinking', as you say, you'd talk to me, because that's what we do. And yet, you aren't. So, you're sulking." Her brown eyes showed her worry, her tone turning a lot softer, she wondered, "was it that bad? Whatever he said, was it so bad that you're here, secluded in your room, avoiding your friends?"

She was deliberately avoiding saying his name. "I don't know if bad is the correct word, but it was so incredibly awkward, Nina! He- he- he said Princesa was written – well, inspired by me. He spent God knows how long watching me from afar and wrote a song about it, said his label was pressuring him to write songs and when he saw me supporting Simón he used me as inspiration. And now finally he, after years, decided to talk to me and it's- it's nice but, I don't know. It's all a mess up here." Luna pointer to her head, falling back to lie on her pillow.

"Why does it bother you?" Nina asked cautiously, as if she was choosing her words carefully. Luna frowned.

"What do you mean?" Quietness. And then:

"Why does it bother you that he wrote you – or, well, got inspired by you to write a song? Simón's done it countless of times before; Valiente, Vuelo, Siempre Juntos, Andaremos. They're all about you, but it doesn't seem to bother you."

"Because Simón is my friend, he didn't write them by watching me through a freaking window and imagining scenarios in his head, not bothering to get to know me or speak to me." She hoped the look she threw Nina reflected the incredulity she was feeling at the moment.

"What about Eres?" once again, Nina was cautious with her words.

"That's different." She replied quickly, trying to dismiss it.

"How?" Another 'are-you-being-serious' look sent her friend's way. "Luna, he wrote this love-song about you, when you weren't best friends, but mere acquaintances, having spoken a total of fifty-ish words to each other. He literally says in it that you're – and I quote- 'the cause, the reason of my songs'. I'm just trying to understand how that doesn't make it awkward when it comes to Simón, but it does when it comes to Matteo."

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