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after our deep talk in the hall, dave accompanied green eyes and i to the garden. it was quite big, and very quiet. most people has group-counsellor but jessica and i were severe cases so we didn’t have to go because they were afraid something might go wrong. this wasn’t the first time i was in the garden, but it was the first time this year. it was nice and sunny today. we were supposed to go yesterday but that didn’t happen because it suddenly started raining. and we’re not allowed out when it’s raining. i still haven’t figure out why. we aren’t exactly made out of sugar.

green eyes: what are you thinking about?

me: sugar

green eyes: that’s weird.

me: i am weird.

green eyes: i like weird.

me: you like me?

green eyes shrugged.

dave: my legs are tired. i’m going to sit on that bench over there. don’t kill anyone while i’m gone.

me: we won’t go anywhere.

dave: makes my job easier too.

me: you’re welcome.

dave: bye

me: bye

green eyes: what

me: he’s walking towards the bench over there. his legs are tired.

me: where were we?

green eyes: i don’t know.

me: just so you know, i’m kind of starting to like you too. i think.

green eyes: really?

me: i’m not sure.

green eyes: it’s okay.

me: it’s not. i want to like you. but i can’t.

green eyes: why not?

me: because i’m a psychopath. duh uh.

green eyes: stupid question.

me: it was indeed.

green eyes: great.

me: what?

green eyes: you. i think you’re great.

me: are you being sarcastic?

green eyes: no. i… i really like you, jessica.

me: well jessica, i think i might like you too.

green eyes: how can’t you be sure if you like someone?

me: i’ve never felt like this before. i have nothing to compare it too.

green eyes: what do you feel when you think of me? when you look at me? when i touch you?

me: i feel… strange. i feel strong. i feel powerful. i feel like i could conquer the whole world with just one hand. as long as you’re holding the other one.

green eyes: that’s sweet.

me: spicy on the outside, a sugar heart on the inside.

green eyes: that’s a weird combination.

me: you make me say weird things. you make me feel weird things.

green eyes: you make me feel sane.

me: you already said that.

green eyes: i know. but i can never say it enough.

me: damn it.

Crazy in Love (Jessie J Fanfic a.u.)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant