Negi Springfield (Mahou Sensei Negima!)

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GreenR: I gotta say, I really like writing about mangas or animes I knew nothing about before. I started reading the manga on this one to get some knowledge for this shot, and I seriously like it so I think I'll finish it. Even though I had to muddle through bunch of poisonous spoilers. That's wikia for ya.

Anyways, I have a question to ya all:

What's your favourite flower?


It was a nice day, really. I know, I start near every story with these words, but this one really was a nice day. The sun was shining modestly, so it wasn't too hot nor it was cold and the light breeze from time to time rustled the leaves on trees. Also there weren't many humans around you, which might count as an improvement to your surroundings.

You swinged back on the branch you were sitting on, so your legs formed a hook, a branch went under your knees and kept you up in the tree. You shook back and front a bit before stopping and staring out at the world. The world stared back with unseen eyes.

It looked so much better when it was upside down. Or was it that you were upside down? Who knows. Everything made so much more sense that way. The sky was green and grass was blue. The birds flew with their stomachs to the ceiling and gravity was towards the Universe, not the ball of dirt called Earth you had been forced to call home sweet home.

"Hey Negi!" You yelled out when you saw the young mage walking in the sky towards the school building in the distance. He looked down at you and smiled a bit. Or was it up to you? "Whatcha doin'?" You puffed a little redly when he came to you.

"Oh you know, the usual. Just stopping by for few books and spells since there's break from school in Japan at the moment," he pushed the round glasses on his nose up a bit and set the books he was carrying. A bookworm even on holiday. So teacher-like. If you can count that eleven-year old a proper teacher. "What about you Y/n?"

"I finished my tasks for today already," you swinged a bit on the branch and picked pieces of bark from your trousers. "A loooong time ago. About ten minutes at least. And I don't want to go back to the library." Your mission to complete was to work as a researcher at the great magical library. Which you usually liked, but today had no taste for. Being outside was better.

"How's your class by now?" You asked with little interest. He had been teaching that bunch of girls for almost a year already, yet he seemed no closer to becoming a full-fledged mage. Sometimes you wondered if he was just killing the time and not working for his goal at all. But then you realised he wouldn't do that. Not his nature.

"They are alright," he shuffled with the books again. He seemed to have grown a bit over the months you'd last seen him, although he was still short as heck and maybe lost some weight as well. Probably because of stress. But that was no good. Negi was already scrawny before, if he loses anymore weight you'd have to get a magnifying glass to find him at all. A rather strong magnifying glass.

"Hmmm...if you're going to the library I'll come along," you straightened your legs so you fell of the tree, just few centimeters before you hit the ground you seized yourself in the air and turned around so your bare feet touched the grass. What a weird use for magic. But practical one, I have to give you that. "I think I have some food there as well. You hungry?"

"Maybe a little," Negi stomach let out a noise that maybe a pterodactyl that was dumped by their significant otter would make. He turned bright pink upon realising he had made that sound. "I didn't do that.

"What a stupid sensei," you shook your head lightly and headed towards the great buildings of library along the road. "Can't even take care of himself. Why do they even let you be responsible for the kids?"

"They are pretty much responsible for themselves," you had reached the shadow of the building already, so there were some scholars swarming around the library. Not as many as there could have been, were it a study season. But it was a holiday so most of them had gone and left were only the most studious ones or the ones that had no place to go to.

"And it's not that I chose to be their teacher or anything," he huffed a bit, since the school and library in which's direction were going, were little up the hill.

"Seems nice," you sighed a bit. You were little jealous of his class. They got to be as childish as they wanted, without fearing the lashes from wizarding council or someone else on high position. Also they got to spend so much time with Negi. You wanted that too! You were feeling so lonely. Maybe you should get a cat.

The inside of the library was so quiet that every single one of your steps seemed to echo back from the walls that were filled with bookshelves. You sneaked a look around to make sure you weren't disturbing anyone, and then headed for the front desk where there was also your workplace.

"What things you wanted from here then?" You put on your librarian hat (green one with little silver symbols on it) and made a serious face as you sat down at your desk.

"Just these back," he gave you some of the books he had. "I need to do some research? Is our spot free now?"

You nodded lightly and set the old volumes on the stand next to your desk to put them back later. Then you remembered something and leaned down to dig through your drawer.

"Here, take that," you tossed Negi a sandwich wrapped in tin foil. "So you don't scare rest of the people away with your stomach."

He catched it on second try after the package hit his head, and set off to find the special nook between the shelves of X and Y. It was the quietest place in the whole library, which was saying pretty much, since the whole place was sort of a soundproof ox already anyways. It was the place the two of you had always used for studying when you still went to school.

When he went away you got on with your job at the desk. That meant you got a book to read, because there was nothing else to do. Not much people hung around the library and after you put away all the returned volumes to their rightful places, there were no tasks for you.

After a few hours of reading your book, you thought that maybe you should check up on Negi. Just in case he managed to do something stupid again. It wasn't like he planned to do stupid things. He just did something and the things often happened to play out in a way that would leave him in a bigger mess than he was in before.

You strode in between the shelves, quiet pats of your feet reminding you that you should probably be wearing shoes. But who wants shoes? They just restrain the feet and do nothing good. Unless there is about a kilo of broken glass pieces that happen to be dipped in very acidic poison-like liquid. In that case shoes are probably really good idea.

Little snores showed you the way to the nook, in case you had forgotten it. You reached the large dusty shelf and crouched down, where there was a bit of it where the books and shelves had been taken out to make room for few blankets and pillows. On them was a staggering amount of books and a very sleepy mage.

You sighed slightly. Just what you thought. Negi was a rather studious person, but in cases he tried to read for too long, he fell asleep like a dragon on his pile of gold. Although for a human sleeping on gold may not seem a very good idea. Even though gold is not the hardest metal there is.

You thought about waking him up for a bit, but then reconsidered. It wouldn't be very kind of you. He was on a holiday too, and if he chose to spend it sleeping in a library, filling his lungs with dust and occasional breath of air, so be it. You made a mental not to wake him up before the library closed and went back to your desk.

He really was such a trouble sometimes. You still remembered the time he had worried his sister to no end because of getting in the trouble all the time. That hadn't changed much. If only the fact that now he knew how to protect himself. Sort of. Most of the time at least.

You sneezed violently. That place really shouldn't be so dusty. In theory, it should be cleaned every day by new students to practise. In reality the library hadn't been properly cleaned for decades. Even though you whined about it, you hadn't done anything to make it better anyways. Maybe only dust the places people went most to.

You sneezed again. Stupid place.

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