The Aftermooth of the School of Magic

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One Void Day, Count Bleck was sitting in his fancy VIP chair in the meeting hall. Around him were the other minions, except in normal chairs. Mimi stood in front of them, looking excited. "Alright, everyone!" she began. "Thanks for coming! I know that Mr. L was busy on Brobot and Dimentio was busy conjuring up eggs for our chocolate cake, but this will only take a minute! I have tried and almost perfected a magic trick which I learned at that School of Magic. So I'd like to share it with all of you! It's something that kind of represents me—a shapeshifting trick! And so, in conclusion, I hope you enjoy." She then pulled out a stuffed horse. Screaming out some magic words, she began twirling about frantically, with her finger pointed. With every spin Dimentio started looking more and more stressed. Finally, when she stopped, Dimentio screamed, "Mimi, WAIT!!" But it was too late. She snapped her fingers and there was a blinding burst of purple smoke and light. When everyone could see again, Mimi said, "Ta-DA!" and pointed at the stuffed horse. But it was still...a stuffed horse. "Wha?!" Mimi exclaimed. "It was supposed to become a cow! What happened?"

Mr. L, looking both angry and freaked out, said, "Simple. The horse didn't become a cow. HE did." He pointed at Count Bleck's VIP chair, in which no longer sat Count Bleck, but a white cow with a few blue spots, a monocle, and a white top hat.


"I don't know how!!" Mimi screamed equally loudly, losing her composure fast.

"I tried to warn you," Dimentio said sourly, shaking his head.

"Bloooooo," groaned the cow.

Later that day, everyone sat down to lunch. "You know, I was thinking that maybe the Count being a cow isn't that bad after all! He can give us rides on his back! I mean, just take 'Count', remove the 'nt', and what have you got?" Mimi asked.

"Cow Bleck? That's...well, stupid," Mr. L replied.

"Mr. L, we will not use that word now or ever, 'k?" Nastasia said sternly.

"But we're evil! We're SUPPOSED to use that kind of language!" Mr. L whined.

Nastasia just gave him the Evil Eye. Then she put a plate of grass in front of Cow Bleck. He looked at her skeptically, but still ate it in a hesitant manner.

After lunch, Nastasia asked everybody about their accomplishments for the week. Cow Bleck started mooing...or should I say 'blooing' crazy, but no one could get a lick out of what he was saying. "Sorry, Cow, but we don't understand cow language," Mimi said happily. Cow Bleck just stared at nobody stupidly.

All day Count Bleck stayed a cow. Nobody seemed to care very much, except that Nastasia seemed annoyed at Mimi the whole day. At 4:00, everyone went outside to play tennis. Cow Bleck just sat there, seemingly sad. Nastasia felt sad, too, but she didn't know what to do to comfort a cow. They just sat there together and watched Mr. L and Dimentio play doubles against Mimi and O'Chunks.

Later that day, all the minions played board games. "Why exactly are we having all the fun when the Count is a cow?" Nastasia asked. "I don't know, I guess we just feel like it," Mimi replied, sending one of Dimentio's pawns back to the start. "Ha!" she said. Dimentio punched her—for real.

Even later that day, the crew sat down to play video games, like karting and Smash. Cow Bleck tried to play, but it was impossible with hooves. Once he accidentally hit O'Chunks in the face with his tail. Luckily, O'Chunks had been pretty understanding.

Finally, at dinner, everyone was feeling happy from their fun day, except Cow Bleck. While Dimentio was eating his pasta, he suddenly jerked up and said, "I just remembered! I can turn the Cow back into the Count!"

"You can?! Why on ear—I mean, why in the void haven't you said so?!" Nastasia cried.

"Well, I forgot I can kinda do anything," Dimentio replied. He snapped his fingers and Cow Bleck began glowing brightly and floating. Then, there was a poof, and there sat...Count Bleck! He quickly looked at himself and realized he had hands and a scepter again. Then he exploded. "I AM GOING TO KILL—"

"Please, Count, it was an accident on Mimi's part. I'm just glad you're finally back. I'm really sorry that we had such a fun day without you," Nastasia spoke.

Count Bleck seemed to be calmed by her speech. "Very well. Count Bleck is sorry he exploded. Being a cow was rather interesting, except that Count Bleck could have been playing tennis and board games and video games. He is just glad that he can eat pasta again and enjoy being part of"

"Aww," Mimi said. Then she began eating pasta like a rabid wolf.

And so, in conclusion, the dilemma of Cow Bleck was solved. The following day, everyone made it up to Count Bleck by playing tennis, board and video games again. They were definitely happy to do fun stuff twice in a row. Except for the tennis part.

"I'm dying!" Mr. L gasped, using his bandana like a towel.

"Me too!" Dimentio wheezed, lifting up his hat and letting a gallon of sweat dump out like a shower.

They walked over to the black tree and collapsed on top of each other. "Aww, they're like an old married couple," Nastasia commented. Count Bleck took a picture – something he rarely did—then framed it and hung it on the wall. "That will be remembered and loved for generations to come—erm, if Count Bleck doesn't destroy the universe before then," he said.

Unfortunately, death ensued once Mr. L and Dimentio woke up...

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