Chapter 3:

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Here's another chapter, I just felt like making another one because I want to get more into the story, hope you enjoy : ×

Narutos pov:

This was the second round and the third has assigned us to the people we fight. I am fighting Kiba the dog lover and I'm pretty sure I can beat him and win, but I still need to practice and get stronger so I can get to the last round as Chunin.
So I started walking home, but then I felt as though I was being watched but I ignored it and went past my apartment to go get some ramen.
I went in saw my old man. "hey old man, may I have my original order in the largest size you have." naruto asked. "sure naruto, how was you day in the forest of death I see your still alive." the old man said. (p.s I forgot the old man's name, ughh I feel bad for forgetting and I don't feel like looking it up.) "yes we got through and we made it and now I have this fight with Kiba." naruto said while getting his ramen and eating it really fast. "well I hope you luck on your fight with Kiba." he old man said. "I sure will old man, another one" naruto said. "this one's on me naruto." he said. "yay, your the best old man." naruto cheered. Then naruto started eating up all his ramen and thanked the old man and left to go train.

Madaras pov:

I was following my naruto and saw him enter a ramen shop, I guess he likes ramen and I saw him eat about 20 bowls wow I was impressed. I then reminded myself to get naruto a lot of ramen when he kidnapped him. I then turned away and spied more on the leaf.

Narutos pov:

I went to the training yards and trained till I dropped to the ground and fainted.

Madaras pov:

I was watching naruto practice and then I saw him faint, I went to him and picked him up carefully and brought him back into apartment and then changed him out of his clothes even his boxers that's when madara first saw him naked and his nose was bleeding, he was beautiful but he went to narutos closet and found his pj's, I then put them on him and new boxers and then tucked him into bed and then I kissed his lips and left his tiny apartment with a smile on my face.

Narutos pov:

I woke up and remembered what happened last night and saw I was changed I kinda shrugged it off and I went to get my ninja stuff on and I ate some ramen and milk out of the cart. I ran out the door and met up with my team, they all said hi and we walked over and I saw Sasuke blush at me when I smiled at him but I was confused on that but shrugged it off. We then walked to the stadium and I then sat next to Kiba and smirked at him and he smirked back trying to convince me that he will win. All of these fights go on and it then came to me and Kiba and we started to fight.
I hit him in the face and he got out a kunai and charged forward slicing my cheek and it started to bleed but then I took out a kunai and ran towards Kiba kicking him with my Uzumaki style, he then landed on the ground in defeat. (I did not add in the fart : D lol) I then got up and hey called out the Uzumaki naruto won, I was glad and then ran out of the room with a cute grin on my face.

Sasukes pov:

I was impressed with naruto, he beat Kiba hat made me blush even more. I think I might have a crush on naruto but this curse mark might make me hurt naruto and I don't want that, so I think I'll keep my distance from naruto well just for now. It was now the end of the day and we were going home and I was too and I was thinking about killing itachi and about hate towards him and how I wanted to have naruto and have him as mine and only mine, but then the hate went away and the pain through my arms went away and now I was really scared about what I will do to naruto if I don't keep my distance. I have too, I then went to bed thinking about Tommarow.

Narutos pov:

I woke up for the ending of hue Chunin exams and I was excited.
I jumped out of bed and then I went out to train a little and then I found this perv hag, that was trying to perv on women I then poked his back and he spun around and looked wide eyed. I was curious to why he looked at me that way.
I then asked him if he could be my teacher he refused and I kept chasing him around till I out smarted him and he decided to train me. He then looked at me I'm my tiny shorts and said "you have quit a sexy body." he said. "urghh, you supposed to be training me not being weird." naruto yelled while getting back to what he was doing.
Then soon after that he felt a hand on his stomach and then he was pushed back hard and his stomach hurt like hell and he was wondering why jiryia just did that but did not question." now go concentrate on your Chakra and go walk on the water again." he said. "OK, fine" he grumbled and concentrated on his Chakra and walked on the water and he did and was pretty happy now, he could walk on water and was proud of it.

Nejis pov:

I will beat that loser, I will not let my name be beaten down by a loser. This afternoon is the game and I will win.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, omg naruto is soon to be kidnapped!! Yay I hope you liked it bye :D

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, omg naruto is soon to be kidnapped!! Yay I hope you liked it bye :D

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