Chapter 10:

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Hello all readers! Sorry for having a short chapter last time but this chapter will be longer since I have not updated in a while I hope you enjoy it.

Sasukes pov:

I was in the leaf walking around and I was planning on finding naruto. It has been freaking months and I was hoping for him to be okay. I then went into that stupid ramen shop naruto loved. I saw iruka sitting there with a sad look in his eyes. I went to sit next him. "Hey iruka, are you okay?" I asked while waving a hand at him. He woke up from his daze and saw Sasuke asking him a question. "Uhh.... Yeah I'm fine I just really wish you guys found naruto." iruka said while putting his face in his hands. Sasuke then felt horrible he really did want to save naruto and now seeing iruka like this since naruto was really important to him I had more confidence and abilitie to get naruto back." Iruka I promise I will get naruto back, Im going to be leaving soon to go find him." Sasuke said with loathing confidence. Iruka looked at him with big watering eyes and smiled. He knew Sasuke will be able to get naruto back. He then pat Sasuke on the back and said. "Thank you Sasuke, I hope you succeed!" iruka says while walking out of the ramen place with Sasuke just saying 'he will bring naruto back no matter what.' and they wave each other off. I then stand up and take my leave, I then run back to my apartment and pack some stuff. Food, water, scrolls and weapons. I then get it into my brown bag and dress with armor and run out even without telling lady tsuande. I then leave onto my mission alone.

Madaras pov:

I woke up from the night when me and naruto kissed and made up. I can't believe that happened. I got out my bed and put on my attire of clothes and I looked at narutos beautiful face with his ears down and looking scared. I went up to his side on the bed and put two fingers on his forehead and I looked into his dream with my sharingan.

Narutos dream ~

I saw myself in a hospital bed and with my baby not in my arms. I gasped at not having my baby not at my side I looked around and saw all my friends from the leaf village. With Sasuke, Sakura, shikmaru, ino and the others. I saw Sakura holding my baby and with a kunai to my baby's neck. I screamed and screamed for her and then to give mine and Madaras baby back but they didn't budge and that's when they told me I should never have had a baby with a trader that is madara and that the baby will curse the village that's when shikmaru put his ink black jutsu on me and I could not move to help my child. That's when sakura finally lifted the kunai and..........

Narutos pov:

I woke up with a scream and someone hugging me. I looked and saw madara holding me tight and telling me it will be alright and he will protect me and our baby. I felt a tear slide down my eye at the dream that I had. I looked down at madara and hugged him back while crying into his shoulder. And madara scratched my fox ears it made me purr. It made me happier so I lent into the touch with madara smiling. "Naruto are you okay from that dream!?" madara asked with a worried voice. "I'm fine it's just a dream, it's not like it will come TRUE." naruto said while he could of jinxed it. "Yeah nothing can go wrong, we both and the child will be together forever." madara said with a smile. Naruto then bent down placed a small kiss on Madaras soft cheek. Madaras cheeks lit up and he blushed and thought of how he was acting so Un Uchiha like and sighed at how he acted with naruto around he felt as though he really fell in love with him even though naruto still didn't feel the same but at least he knew naruto liked him and did not mind having a family. Madara smiled at the thought of having more kids and living happily after all the crap that happened in his after life without naruto. He waked up from his thoughts when seeing naruto getting out of bed and eating up the food they wasted even though it was stail. Madara laughed and joined in on eating. It has been at least 7 months of being pregnant and now we only had 2 months left of the pain and of course we had people like sasori who helps with finding if the baby is okay and konan doing the blood tests to see how the baby is doing. I don't want to know the gender until it is born so we have to pick out a few boys and girls names. I also wondered how people where doing at the leaf but my mine didn't not want to think of the leaf after having a dream of my friends killing my baby. I shook the thought out my head when me and madara went out the room to our library where we could go look for some girl and boy names for a our beloved baby.

Sasukes pov:

I was running in the direction of the Chakra that was of narutos, it felt different like part females but I didn't care because I knew I needed to get him back and it was probally going to take me about a few months, I hope I can make it shorter than that and I will probably have to battle the akatsuki and madara. 'oh fuck' thought Sasuke. Maybe I can sense a letter for more of my leaf friends can come and help. Damn I should of just asked tsuande but I know I can do it and save naruto.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Naruto is gonna have a baby soon and I hope to have suggestions for names and what gender please comment below and thank you for reading, love you all ^ > ^

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