chapter 3.

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"Sehun do you have any plans for tomorrow?" baekhyun asked

"yes. " Sehun answered

"really? What are your plans? " baekhyun asked knowing that Sehun is lying

"What do you have in mind? " Sehun asked knowing that baekhyun wasn't going to give up until he got what he wanted

"My friend wants me to introduce her to chanyeol and now they're going on a date" baekhyun explains

"what does that have to do with me? " Sehun asked

"well I have to go as well and I don't want to be a thirdwheel so why don't you come with me?" baekhyun asked

"no" Sehun quickly responded

"come on you'll be friend A and I'll be friend B" baekhyun gave Sehun the puppy eyes

"no" Sehun looked away from baekhyun

"My friend is a musician, a classical musician" baekhyun says

"no" Sehun said

"if you come you can help chanyeol and my friend keep a conversation going by talking about music" baekhyun tries to convince Sehun

"no" Sehun keeps his ground

"I'll buy you bubble tea for a month" baekhyun tries to persuade Sehun

"fine. Why can't someone else come though? " Sehun asks

"because" baekhyun tries to not explain

"because why? " Sehun asks

"have you ever been in love? " baekhyun asks trying to change the subject

"no" Sehun was lying but he'd rather lie than tell baekhyun what his first love was

"well my friends say that when you love someone everything becomes so colorful" baekhyun succeeds at changing the subject

"what do you mean?" Sehun asks not really interested in the conversation

"well she said that you see everything with more color as in seeing everything with more life and not seeing things in monotone manner" baekhyun explains

"hmm" was all Sehun could answer

"when's your dad coming back? " baekhyun asks

"I'm not sure" Sehun answers honestly

"okay well be sure to come to the park for the date" baekhyun reminds Sehun as he walks in his house

A nod was all baekhyun received from Sehun.

Baekhyun answers his phone that starts ringing as soon as he enters his home

"did you convince him? " ? Asks

"yes" baekhyun asnwers

"did you tell chanyeol and Sehun where the date is being held? " ? Asks

"no, I'll tell him tomorrow " baekhyun answers

Baekhyun is sure that Sehun wouldn't agree to coming with -even if he tries to persuade him with bubble tea- if he knew where they were going

( Sehun's pov)

I was in class thinking about what baekhyun had said about love. Even though I had been in love before I always saw the whole world in a monotone manner. No color was in my world and I like it that way.

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