chapter 10.

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Sehuns pov
I'm currently heading home since baekhyun has baseball practice today when I spot Kai. This is so fucking cliche but he's standing there and his hair is flowing around and the sakura petals are literally his background. God why does he have to stand there breathing all pretty and shit. Why does kai make me want to see him but at the same time run and hide?
"Oh hey friend A" kai waves happily
"I have a name you know" I say irritated that he still calls me friend A
"Yeah but I like calling you friend A" kai continues "have you seen chanyeol?"
I remember that chanyeol said that he was gonna walk home with some girl, obviously for chanyeol its not really walking someone home its more like staying there. Specifically their room.
"He's at Soccer practice" I don't want kai to be sad so lets just lie
"Really? Ill go watch and cheer him on then" kai starts walking away
"You cant!" I yell
"Why not?" Kai looks at me suspiciously
"It's a closed practice" I lie
Kai seems to think something before his face lights up.
"Alright then you'll just stand in for chanyeol" kai announces
"W-what?" What the hell did I get myself into?

Suddenly I'm not in front of the school but in a little cafe. Don't ask me how i got here because i dont even fucking know. All i know is that im here.
" Unfortunately chanyeol and I arent a thing yet but i do really like him" oh right.. Kai is telling me his dating problems
"Why are you even telling me this?" I ask
"But dont worry I'll make him mine" kai laughs wickedly "bc you can be my wing man"
"No thanks I'm good" I say " chanyeol is really popular so how are you going to make him yours?"
"Look at that piano it looks like a happy little piano" kai ignores my words
I look over to the piano that kai is pointing at.
I frown "no its a sad little piano"
"No, its happy" kai pouts
"Look at that plant on top of it -kai looks- its literally water damage waiting to happen plus you can't just let people smash the keys like that! All the repairs will cost a fortune" i explain
"They're kids they don't know that smashing the keys is bad" kai argues
" thats why you tell them to not smash them" I reply
"Why dont you help the little girl playing? She seems to have trouble with playing twinkle twinkle little star" kai pouts
Before i can even reject kai's suggestion kai is talking to the little girls
"Why doesn't this man help you? He's really good" kai smiles
"Really you'll teach me?" The girls eyes are shinning with happiness
"Can i learn too?" The other little girls asks
"Of course you can"kai says
The 3 of them are staring at me with such big puppy eyes that i can't reject them. I mean I'll only play for a few seconds so I'll be okay. Right?
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