chapter 12.

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Sehuns pov
Ever since that day in the cafe I've been avoiding Kai. Kai didn't do anything wrong.... It's just... He called me and asked for a favor but I really would rather not. I want to stay away from any pianos. I hate them.
Baekhyuns pov
Sehuns been acting a little weird, more than usual. I need to find out whats up.
"Hey kai!" I wave
" Have you seen friend A?" Kai asks in an annoyed tone
"Why?" I need to know if kais the reason why sehun is acting up
"I asked if he could be my accompanist but he rejected me" kai pouts
"Well... Sehun doesn't play any more" I explain
"Yes, but us musicians live to play and I really do need a accompanist" kais pout gets bigger
"...." I keep silent
"I guess I shouldn't force him though" kai says all gloomy
"Nah! We're going to force him! No matter what!" I cheer
Sehun will play no matter what! I'm the flawless, beautiful and sexy baekhyun! I can do anything!
Sehuns pov
I should try to play for a little bit. At least for more than a minute.
Haha you think you can even get close to the piano without trembling? You must be kidding
I can do it
Don't make me laugh
I-I can d-do it
I-I honestly if you can't even speak without stuttering how are you gonna play?
I can play any instrument
Alright than go play the violin and piano without messing up once
I will!
I start heading to the music room. I can do this. I reach for the violin and start playing some random notes
I can't hear the notes! No focus just keep playing the same notes like before!
I knew you couldn't do it
Kais pov
Baekhyun and I split up and started looking for sehun. I'm currently walking  outside.
When i hear music. Those notes sound so.... Great
I quickly look for the window that's letting out the notes but when I get closer I can hear that whoever is playing is being to rough and they lost the notes they were playing.
Hmm what piece is this?
I look into the window and see Sehun. He's crying.
"Come on you can do this!" Sehun yells at himself
I watch as Sehun tries to play the piano but his hands are trembling horribly and he hasn't stopped crying.
The notes are forced and Sehun is smashing the keys.
I can't take any more of this.
I was about to speak up but sehun started talking to himself again
"It's all your fault!" Sehuns voice is breaking "If you hadn't forced me I wouldn't be hurting!"
What is he talking about? Who hurt him?
"I hate the stupid piano!" Sehun is barely whispering now " I hate you! I hate you.... Why did you have to leave? I just wanted to make you happy"
This is heart breaking. Poor thing. Who could've hurt him this badly? Who would leave him?
Sehuns pov
I lay down on the cold floor and just cry. I look up and see that...
"Why can't you just stop tormenting me?" I ask knowing that I'll get no response
I told you... You can't play anymore
I know
She won't leave you know
Are you giving up now?
Yes, isn't that what you wanted?
No... I want you to play
Haha you're crazy
Well it's not for a good reason. I just want to see you cry in pain like that the day at the cafe
You bastard why don't you leave me alone?
  Because I love seeing you like this. All pathetic and weak
I'm glad i can serve as your entertainment
Pfft. You're even worse than before.
Yes, before you were naive, stupid, and emotionless now you're too sensitive, you're pathetic, weak and you still desire to play when before all you ever wanted was to stop playing.... You're so entertaining! I love it!
You're an ass. Why don't you fuck off?
* Sehun is talking to himself when the words slant its because the other sehun is talking to him. The other Sehun is like when you have depression and you hear those voices bringing you down so thats what the other sehun does**

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