chapter 20.

40 3 1

Sehuns pov
It's been just two days and kai has me trying to play the piano at every possible second. I'm glad he's trying to help but he needs to chill.
"Okay now I want you to try to play Nocturne, Op. 2 No. 9, I know you can do it!" Kai cheers me on"it's only 1:20 long"
In two days kai has got me to be able to play only a few notes before rushing to the bathroom.
"I can do this!" I reassure myself
I hit the notes and focus on playing everything right. Focus on hearing the notes clearly.
The same dread feels my stomach as the notes stop sounding clear and more silent.
Kai grabbed my hand and removed my hands from the paino and grabbed my chin. I saw a warm gentle smile appear on his face.
"It's alright, you did very good you almost finished the song just a few seconds more" Kai whispered "I'm proud of you"
This feels wonderful but this moment feels a little too intimate. Kai doesn't love me I can't read too much into his gestures. He loves chanyeol I remind myself for the hundredth time.
"Thanks, want to take a break?" I ask trying to realize myself from his grip
"Sure" kai asks "guess what?"
"Hmm" I hum
"Chanyeol invited me to a date! We've been only on three dates... i feel like I'm finally making progress " Kai tells me with enthusiasm filling his body
"I'm really glad" I lie
"You should come with baekhyun it would be way more fun" kai tells me
"You have to ask baekhyun, he might have baseball practice" i explain

Skip a few weeks and Kai has helped me play for more then 2 minutes without puking but sadly after 2 minutes I can't hear the music. Kai went on his "lovely" date with chanyeol and won't shup up about him ever since then. I thankfully didn't have to go but i have to hear about chanyeol everyday since kai and i seem to spend almost every minute of the day together. I'm still afraid, there's only one week left for me to practice, what if i mess up? I need extra help.
I pull out my phone and call xiumin.
"Hey, you didn't call me! I've been waiting this whole time! You're super mean" xiumin whined
"I'm sorry but i need a favor" i apologize
"You only call when you need something!" Xiumin whines
"I'm sorry, I'll make sure to stay in contact after this" I feel so guilty
"Promise?" Xiumin sounds so little and gentle... ugh why am i such a jerk? I could've called him but I've been so busy with kai that i forgot.
"Promise" i promise
"Bacon isn't going to be there right?" Xiumin asks
"No, but kai will be there" i explain
"Ugh...... what do you want?" Xiumin sounds annoyed now
"I need you to help me with my problem" i explain again
"Oh. Hun if it was about that i would've helped even if bacon was there"xiumin explains
"So its a yes?" I ask
"Duh, at your place or mine?" Xiumin asks
"Yours" and i end the call there.
Hopefully kai wont mind that xiumin will help me now as well

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