chspter 11.

31 7 3

Sehuns pov
My hands are shaking and every cell in my body is screaming "dont do it!". My mind is also fighting to stay as calm as possible. Breathe. I repeat over and over.
"Mister, lets start playing" the little girl smiled happily
"I-okay, lets play" I say
Stay calm.
Your okay.
You're an emotionless rock.
Show no emotion.
" Friend A! We really would like to start playing so stop spacing out!" kai yells at me
I start playing the simple keys with the little girl. I can hear the notes. I'm okay.
Third person
Sehun is completely in his own world. He stopped playing the song with the girl and started playing La Campanella. Strangely La Campanella's fast pattern notes went well with the cafes atmosphere.
By now everyone was listening and enjoying Sehuns playing-Mind you he's only been playing for 25 seconds-. A few even started recording with their devices. Everyone was really enjoying Sehuns playing but Sehun suddenly stopped.
Sehuns pov
Play the song how its written.
Okay so far I'm playing well with the little girl. I look up to see kai's face to see any hints of disappointment since the 'Great Prodigy' is trying so hard to play a beginners piece. I gladly didn't find any disappointment in his eyes but I looked over Kai's shoulder and immediately paled. I quickly adverted my eyes. Sehun focus! You've only played for 23 seconds with the little girl.
I looked up and over kai's shoulder again and quickly looked away. My fingers started trembling. I didn't even notice that I started playing a different song. I looked over kai's shoulder to make sure that imagined what I saw but I regret looking up again because I see that. Don't.... Stop!
You're mind is playing tricks on you.... I didn't see that..... I'm imagining things.
Sehun, you've been playing a different piece for 25 seconds. You've touched the piano for 48 seconds and you all ready want to quit? Pathetic.
All those hours spent practicing but you can't even play for more than a minute. Purely pathetic.
Third person
"Why did he stop playing?" Customer
"What happened?" Waiter
"He was playing so wonderfully" customer
"He's hot" customer
" He's cute and he can play the piano! That's such a turn on"customer
"Is he going to start playing again?" Waiter
"Sehun... Why did you stop" kai asked
"Mister start playing again" the little girl whined
"Is he okay?" Asked the other little girl
Sehuns pov
I didn't even notice that I stopped playing. I suddenly became aware of my surroundings and all the whispers.
"Wow I'm rusty! That's enough for today" I sigh
"Please mister" the little girls whined
"Sorry but I have to go" I lie
"I'll walk you home" Kai offers
"No, it's okay" I want to leave already
"Okay..... Thanks for coming here" Kai gently smiles at me " let's hangout again friend A"
I had my back facing him already so I didnt bother to reply.
I walked until I got away from the cafe. I ran into a alley and puked everything out. I kneeled down and started crying on the disgusting alley floor.
I can't hear the notes!!!!
'The Great Prodigy' ha. Don't make me laugh.
Not edited

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