Chapter 7

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Ellie's POV

After about a month of court cases, we ended up getting a lump sum of money, which we have saved to go to Jamaica one day, once we are no longer busy.

I yawn as I sit up and groan at the stomach pain I feel. Dumb exercise, I'm so worn out. Luke and I decided to run three miles. My legs feel like weights.

"Bad idea," he groans, "Never again. I don't care if there's a nice, scenic path right beside the fucking house." "Second that," I tell him, giving him a high five.

"I have a concert tonight," he tells me. I nod and yawn. "Yeah," I say, still in the yawn, "I'll be there. Ugh."

"Ugh?" he says, "But I like it when you watch me sing. And Niall and the lads are even coming. And there's going to be this rocking after party."

"No, my stomach is killing me," I groan, "I haven't ran this far since high school, damn. I need to start again, not like that though." He smiles. "Yeah, guess we should leave," he says, "Lou agreed to come and do a little bit of wardrobe for you."

"Great, so I don't have to get out of these amazing pajama pants?" I ask. "Nope," he tells me, "And since they are mine, they come with some extra cuddling." "I made a nice choice picking them out then, didn't I?" I ask moving a little closer.

After a few extra lazy minutes, we leave. We have to pull over at Maccas (I'm getting my Australian lingo down!) for some frozen coffees and breakfast sandwiches.

As soon as we get there, we run into the stadium and I hug all the Aussie boys. "Coffee breath!" Calum shouts. "You have it to, dummy," I tell him, messing up his hair. Jaime, Mia, and Lennie also exchange their hellos with me.

"So, Lou is treating us to a makeover I hear," I say to them. "That's right," someone behind me says. I turn around to see Lou. We hug. "I have nothing to do now that the One Direction boys just finished touring."

"Hello Aussies!" I hear some shout. I turn around and run to the my five favorite British boys and their beaus.

"Niall!" I squeal, literally jumping into his arms. "Princess," he says, lifting me up and spinning me around in an amazing Horan Hug. "We were so worried about you two," he says, "With that incident, I'm so sorry Ellie."

"Its okay now," I assure him, "We manage, and we are perfectly capable of solving our own problems, thank you very much." He smiles and we hug again, this time, with Bella.

I turn to Zayn. "You brought little Brian, I see," I say, smiling. "Yeah," Perrie says, "He wanted to be with his daddy." I smile at Brian and the little two year old smiles back and fights for a hug in Zayn's arms.

Next is Louis and Eleanor. We hug. "El," I say, "Working that baby bump." "I'll say," she says, "One more month, I can't wait to get this sucker out." "I like him there," Louis says, "I'm nervous about this whole dad thing. I'm new."

I smile. "You'll do fine," I assure him, "A perfect couple to have it too. Whatever gender it is, it'll get lovely traits from the two of you." They smile.

"Ellieeee," Liam says, hugging me, with Dani right on it. I hug both of them. "You are both looking lovely, as usual," I tell them, smiling as the hug continues for a long time.

Harry and Leigh-Anne are next. I hug the two. I can't wait until Harry puts a ring on it, to be honest. I totally ship Leirry.

"Okay, now to get out of these," I say, referring to my pajamas. Niall nods. "They're quite baggy on you," he says. "Yeah, if you didn't have them tied up, we could see your bum!" Louis exclaims, laughing. I playfully slap his arm and follow the girls to where we will get our makeup done.

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