Chapter 62

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Ansley's POV

It's been three days since the funeral and viewings ended.

For Wes, Zain, and I, things basically went back to normal.

Wes continued to practice for the talent show. He was put in as the last act. All he wanted to do was impress dad, and show him that he never stopped playing. He wouldn't tell anyone the song he chose, and would sing when no one was around.

Practice for the musical continued, Rizzo turned into a part that I enjoyed. The only thing I hated about being Rizzo was watching Zain and Haily kiss in the end

It disgusted me slightly, how happy both of them looked doing it. Zain was too nice for Haily.

However, through those three days, they fell into a stage of like.

Today, when Zain and I got to lunch, she sat beside us.

"Hi Zain, Ansley," she says, smiling a bright smile. 

"Hi," I reply, smiling back. Under the table, my legs shake like crazy.

"So Ansley, it's been a while, how are you?" she asks, still smiling.

I would say something like "Just peachy," if it weren't for Zain. He seemed a lot more happy with her here.

"Quite well, thank you," I reply, using the most prim, proper grammar I can manage to spit out at a moment like this.

"So Wes, you want to hang out tonight?" she asks, "My friends and I are going bowling, and it would be lovely if you could come along."

Before I can react, Zain answers her. "Actually, Ansley and I were going to watch one of her dad's old favorite shows with him, he's still really upset over his dad dying," Zain says.

I'm just kind of happy he didn't screw over out plans.

"That's so nice of you!" she gushes, "I wish my family was that close, but my parents got a divorce a long time ago."

"That's disappointing," I reply, faking sadness. This time, I couldn't help but be slightly sarcastic, but it felt good.

The rest of lunch continues in full conversation. I say nothing, but still smile.

"Well, I'll see you both at practice today!" she exclaims as we all leave the lunch room.

Yeah, we sure will.




Wes' POV

Eleanor comes home with me after school. I want her opinion on my act for the talent show.

"So hun, what's up?" she asks, smiling as we get inside.

"What do you mean?" I reply, "I just wanted to hang out with you."

She shakes her head with a huge smile on her face. "No," she replies, "Wes, you've been so damn busy with something for the past three weeks. It's about that, isn't it?"

I nod. She knows me too well for my own intentions.

"Well, let's see it," she says. I nod again and motion for her to sit down.

I get my dad's guitar out of his room and bring it downstairs.

"Well, as you know, the school talent show is in four days," I say, "I'm the last one. I really wanted to make my dad proud, and show him I still like to sing and play guitar, so, I will be singing one of his old covers from the beginning of his career."

I take a deep breath.

"The song," I say, "Is Out of My Limit. Acoustic, of course."

She smiles really hard.

"Here goes nothing," I say.

I sing and play the whole thing without a mistake, and Eleanor looks thrilled the whole time. 

When I am done, she gives me a hug. "That was amazing Wes," she says, a huge smile on her face, "That explains those three weeks."

"I'm so nervous though, my only goal is to make my dad proud of me," I tell her, "When I stopped playing guitar and singing more for football, he was upset. I want to show him that I never really stopped loving it."

"Well, I loved it and think your dad will be insanely happy," she says, "Even with the funk he's been in for the past few days."

I go put my dad's guitar away and Eleanor and I call a chauffeur to take us out.





Ellie's POV

Luke has stayed in his bed since everything ended.

I finally got him to go out with his friends today, and I can only hope he comes home better. I honestly can't do this without him.

When I hear the door open, I run to it to find a still rather sad looking Luke.

"Hi Luke, how are you?" I ask. He shakes his head and sits down on the couch. Time for plan B.

Ansley and Zain sit on the couch with him. Ansley pops the old season 4 How I Met Your Mother DVD into the player.

After several hours of Ansley, Zain, and I sitting on the couch laughing, Luke still hasn't smiled once.

I give up.

I must have said that out loud, because everyone looks at me. Luke's grip on my hand tightens.

"I don't know how to help any more," I say, "I know it's not your fault, but I can't sit here looking at you like this. It makes me want to cry, but I'm the only thing the kids have right now."

"Ellie," he says, with a hoarse voice. I shake my head.

"What's wrong with me, I'm being so damn rude," I say.

He wraps me in his arms. I hug back, and the kids add into it.

"I'll try, for you all," he whispers.

"No," I reply, "Take as long as you need. We'll try to help, but this all you."

All him, the healing would only be him. We weren't fixing anything.




Well hi :)

It's been a while

Wattpad locked me out of my account for the day I was going to update

And then I got so busy

So I apologize, and thanks for sticking around through my insane update schedules.

It's a pretty long chapter, to make up for the past two.

Bye now!


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