Chapter 40

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Three years later.

I promise the time segment skipping wills top once they get older!

Ellie's POV

Today is a Saturday, the kids luckily have no school.

Luke decided to take a day with the boys and just hang out. So I'm watching the twins. Right now, we just finished playing at the park, so they are just hanging out.

Ansley is on the iPad. I look over her shoulder to see that she is on the internet.

Ansley is very advanced, smarts wise, so she is always discovering new things that most kids don't figure out who are two years older than her.

"Mum," she says, looking at me with my biological father's penetrating blue eyes. Sometimes, they scare me, but they are also beautiful, and look like mine.

"I've been doing some research," she starts.

"I see that," I say, smiling. "And according to my calculations, there is no way that Niall and Bella could have given birth to you."

I gulp. At least she hasn't found the real story, and I can explain it to her, the cleaner way.

"What?" Wes asks, looking up from the tv. "Kids, I think it's time that we have a little talk," I say.

I call Luke. "What's going on?" he asks. "Ansley figured it out," I say, "Please come home."

"Okay," he says. I hang up and anxiously wait by the door for him. When he arrives, he gives me a hug.

We sit down on the couch and I turn off the tv. "Hey, I was watching that!" Wes shouts, making Luke laugh. "Sit down," I tell both of them. They get off the floor and sit on the recliners across from us.

"I have a big story for you two," I say.

Luke takes my hand in both of his.

"So, Niall wasn't my first daddy," I tell them, "My first mum and dad were really mean, they always hurt me."

"Did they spank you?" Wes asks. "They did worse than that," I admit, "I'll explain more when you're older and understand more. So, I got put in an orphanage, which is where they put little girls and boys with no parents or bad parents."

"After a few more bad mums and dads, Niall decided that he wanted to be my daddy," I tell them, "He wasn't married to Bella then."  "But I thought that you can't have kids unless you are married?" Ansley asks.

"You can adopted kids, like Niall did with me," I say. "Are we adopted?" Wes asks. I shake my head. "No, Luke and I had you," I assure him.

"After a while, Niall and Bella met and got married," I tell them. Ansley nods.

"So grandpa isn't your real daddy?" she asks. "Yes he is," I tell her. She shrugs. "Okay," she says. I nod. They go to the back yard to play.

"So, that wasn't to bad," Luke says, smiling. "Yeah, because I didn't tell them everything," I say. "Like that your dad was a nance?" he asks.

"What's a nance?" Wes asks from the kitchen. "Nothing honey," I say, lightly slapping Luke. He smiles.

"Would you have rather me say child mullester?" he asks. I shake my head. "They wouldn't know what that was either, but nance is preferable," I tell him.

He sighs. "Well, I've got to get back to the band, we'll talk later," he says. We kiss before he leaves and I walk outside to watch the kids.

They both hug me. "What?" I ask. "I'm sorry mum," Ansley says. I know exactly what they are talking about. I hear a scratching on the door. Blue. I smile and let the dog outside.

She eagerly jumps on them and they run around outside playing with her.

This is definitely the life, I couldn't ask for a better set of children. 






Ansley's POV

Wes and I walk outside.

"Wes, do you understand what mum was saying?" I ask. He shrugs. "Kinda," he says. "She was abused Wes, kinda like Eleanor Baily in your class," I tell him.

See, normally kids wouldn't know about abuse at our age, according to Mrs Preston, but Eleanor comes into class everyday with bruises and cuts, ones that couldn't have been made falling at the playground or hurting yourself on the stairs.

"That's not good," he says. Eleanor is miserable. "We should give mum a hug," I say. He nods. "She deserves one," he says.

As soon as we see her walk outside, we run up to her and hug her. "What?" she asks.

"I'm sorry mum," I whisper, burying my face into her. 

She lets Blue outside and we play with her too.














If you can't tell, I'M SOOOOO BORED!!!

I can't walk today or tomorrow, I get crutches after that, thankfully, and I can actually move.

I now just want to move, sitting around is bored, like you wouldn't even know.

I have to sit down in the shower, and my mum has to carry me there. Sound fun?

It isn't  :(

But, I suppose It'll get better soon (Thank God.)

Bye now!


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