Chapter 29

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Ellie's POV

We walk up to Jaime's house and Calum takes a deep breath.

"I don't think I can do this," he says, turning to us. "Calum, you'll be fine, trust me, I've been to Jaime's house several times, her dad is insanely nice," I tell him.

"I know, I've met him, but it makes me nervous that I'm going to be asking him for his daughter's hand in marriage," he says. "I promise you'll be fine," Luke says, knocking on the door for him.

Jaime's dad opens the door and Calum gulps. He's kind of a bodybuilder, so he looks a tad scary. But he's fine other than that. 

"Calum, it's a pleasure to see you, and Ellie, it's been a while," he says, smiling. "It has, Mr. Roberts," I say, smiling. Calum shakes his hand and the man leads us into his house.

"So, how have you all been doing?" he asks us as he puts a plate of sweets on the table. Having the piggish tendencies that Luke and I have, we grab some.

"Quite well, the twins are coming along," I tell him, smiling. "That's great, I remember what it was like when Anna was pregnant with Jaime. It was amazing for me, but a little less amazing for her."

I laugh. "That seems to be it," I say.

"So Mr. Roberts.."

"Please Calum, call me Dan, you've been dating Jaime for what, almost a year?  You don't have to call me Mr. Roberts," he says.

"Dan, uhmm... I kind of came here to ask you.. well... I was planning something special for your daughter... something real special... And I would like to ask you for your daughter's hand in marriage." 

Jaime's dad looks at him real quick. "Calum, I couldn't think of a better man to marry my daughter," he says.

Calum looks up at him and smiles. "You don't know how much this means to me," Calum says, "Jaime is amazing, like, the most beautiful and perfect girl I have ever met. I couldn't think of anyone else I would want to spend the rest of my life with."

Dan puts a hand on Calum's back. "You'd better work on those vows," he says. "I know," Calum laughs.

"Well, we'd best be going," I say, "I'm tired, which means I need to sleep."

"I'll be seeing you all sooner or later," Dan says as we walk out the door. "Of course, bye!" Calum exclaims. Once we are put the door, Calum whoops and then skips to his car like a little girl.

"Woah there buddy," Luke says, walking to it with me. "Slowpokes!" Calum sings as he gets in the car and shuts the door behind him. We get in the back seat and drive back to Niall's house.

"Hey guys, how was shopping?" Niall asks. "We found nothing," I tell him, smiling.

"Well, everyone else is asleep, I suggest you all do the same," Niall says. I nod and yawn. "Yeah, I'm dead tired," I say. Luke and I walk up to my old room where we will be sleeping.

"It's been a while," I say as I enter the room. He looks at me. "It has," he says. He sees one of my old guitars in the corner of the room. I take off my clothes and put on one of my bigger, more comfy shirts.

He sits down on the bed. He only wears his boxers. "You and I, we don't wanna be like them," he sings. I smile and lay down and he continues the song that I love.

He looks at me. "That was great Luke," I tell him. "Well, anything for you, Lukey Poo Junior and Penguin," he says. I laugh at his names.

"What?" he asks. "Poor children, they will have sucky names," I say, touching my overly bloated belly. He puts his hand on it too. "Well picking names will only be the first challenge," he sighs.

He lays down beside me. "One day down, many more to go," he says as he shuts off the light.






I'm having a REEEAAALLLYYY suckish day.

Believe me, you wouldn't even BELIEVE what I've been through today. UGGHHHHH. Vote and comment pleeeaaassseee maybe comment some happy things or something?  Idk, hopefully tomorrow won't suck so much.

Bye now my kittens.


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