Chapter 52

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Wes' POV

Tonight is the night of the big game. The game that decides if we will be champions. I am pumped, and super nervous.

Eleanor's court cases are ongoing, but she has a nice family now. She is coming to watch me at the game tonight.

Grandad got released from the hospital, but he only has about a year left according to doctors. He is on medications, he said he wanted to leave the hospital because he, "doesn't want to spend the remainder of his life in a white-walled hell."

"You both sure you have everything?" dad asks. Mum is doing Ansley's hair in what she is calling a waterfall braid and doing her makeup.

"Yeah," I reply. "Yup!" Ansley shouts from upstairs.

"Okay, good," he says, smiling, "I'll be there tonight. You do as best as you can at practice, okay?  I'll be expecting big things from you, as will Mum, Eleanor, Ben, Jack, Samantha, Cassie, (Samantha and Cassie are Ben and Jack's wives) Calum, Jaime, Michael, Lennie, Mia..."

"Will Uncle Ashton be there?" I ask. "He says that he wouldn't miss it for the world," dad replies, smiling. "Yay!" I say, smiling back. I am happy that Uncle Ashton finally is supporting everything I do.

"Don't forget about grandad and grandmother Horan, your uncles Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Harry and your aunties Perrie, Leigh Anne, Sophia, and Eleanor," mum adds, with a huge smile on her face, "They are flying in just for the occasion."

"Really?" I ask. She nods. "Oh boy, that's fantastic, I'm so excited!" I exclaim. "Now let's go babe, you have to get to practice," mum says, shoving me out the door, bag in hand.

She drives me to the field and yells, "Good luck!" out the window before driving away.





Ansley's POV

As soon as mum finishes my waterfall braid, she curls my hair. "I have to go drop your brother off, stay with your dad," she says. I nod and look at myself in the mirror and she leaves.

Mum did my hair gorgeously, and she did my makeup well.  I put on my cheerleading uniform and smile. I look nice, hopefully I'll stand out well so that I don't look like everyone else.

I have always loved to stand out a little, though my friends despise it.

I walk downstairs to see Zayn, Perrie, and their children; Brian, Brooklynn, and Zain.

I have never liked to call Zayn, Perrie, Sophia, Liam, Harry, Leigh Anne, Louis, Eleanor, Ashton, Mia, Jaime, Calum, Michael, or Lennie my aunts and uncles, because they aren't related to me. They are just all really close to my parents and grandparents. That's it.

"Hi guys!" I exclaim, hugging each of them. I haven't seen any of them in at least six months. Brian has always been taller than me, but now Zain towers over me, he is just a month older than me, and Brooklynn is almost as tall as me.

"You look beautiful sweetie," Zayn says. His shirt smells of smoke, which I honestly hate, but I love Zayn.

"Thanks Zaynie," I reply, smiling. I hug Perrie next.

"You've grown," she laughs. "So have your kids," I reply, smiling up at her. "Oh I know, and Zain there, he's like a tree."

"He looks how I used to look," Zayn says, smiling, "With lighter brown hair and Perrie's gorgeous smile."

"Oh shut it," Perrie says, blushing slightly. I have always thought that Perrie and Zayn are about the surest couple out there.

"So, your flight came early?" I ask. "Yeah, we got too early of a flight," Brooklynn says, smiling, "I'm so excited to watch the game!  I love football."

"Cool, how are your gymnastics going?" I ask her. "Amazing, I just tried out for the Olympics!" she exclaims, "The acceptance or declination letter should be coming in a few days."

"Good," I reply, "And Uni?"  I turn to Brian.  "Going pretty well," he replies, "I have nice grades, and the football team there is even better than I imagined. I'm actually being challenged."

"Cool," I say, "And how about you Zain?"

He shrugs. "I suppose I'm doing okay," he says. "How is your string bass thing?"

His face lights up. "Amazing," he says, "I got accepted into this country's high school orchestra!  I'm excited for it to start."

"That's great," I reply. "Kids, you can go put your stuff in the room," Perrie says, "Brian, please take mine and dad's stuff up."  "Of course mum," he says, smiling.

"Can we talk to you, Ansley?" Perrie asks. I nod. We walk into the kitchen and I sit down.

"Sweetie, we think something is up with Zain," Zayn says, "I believe it's depression. But we really aren't sure, he just stopped telling us everything recently, and kind of scares me."

I look up from my shoes. "What does this have to do with me?" I ask.

"Because Ansley, I haven't seen him smile in three weeks," Perrie tells me, "I don't know what it is, but you know all about what he loves. I need you to help us find out what's up. He will be staying here for the orchestra for a month."

"And what's in it for me?" I ask. "This," Zayn says, showing me something on his phone.

A 100 year old cello found in old, shut down convent. It is going for sale, for a price to be debated with whoever buys it, but it is definitely a price for someone with money! 

The picture shows it is in fabulous condition.

This is what I have always wanted.

But to become a therapist figure?

"It's a deal," I say, making them both smile.














Just do it.


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